I want to do the following:
You will create a C++ program that will count the number of operations of two common recursive functions.This operation count will be basically estimate time complexity T(n). You have to find the g(n) to get O(g(n)).
The program takes as input n, some positive integer and choosing between a recursive or non-recursive version. You will evaluate two recursive functions: factorial(n)=n! and fibonacci(n)=fibonacci(n-1)+fibonacci(n-2) (starting at fibonacci(1)=0 and fibonacci(2)=1).
Your program will be required to produce one line of output per function showing result, operation count(T(n)) and worst-case time complexity with O(g(n)) exhibiting c and some n0, according to the definition(n0 greater than 2). You must find the right c value so that the inequality always holds.
I have no idea how I can do this. Is there anybody who knows? Sounds so difficult.
Few input examples....