my database on sql server 2005.
my application is completely working in my computer.
but on other machine sql server 2005 login error.sql server does not allow remote server.
please how can i load my application on other computer.

sounds to me your problem is an issue with the SQL server and not the application..

is the database setup on your machine? If it is make sure you have it setup to allow remote connections etc. not really sure how all that is managed, all my dbs are setup on servers..

if that isnt the problem

go to project -> properties -> application files

make sure that everything is set to incloude (auto) and required

hope this helps

commented: wow you dum stuped person +0
commented: unnecessary -1 rep. for someone trying to help. just evening out the score as previously was. +1

not sure i deserved a downgrade.. i didnt udnerstand his question but tried to help based on what i did understand.


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