Here's what Im trying to do...

Write a program that asks the user to guess the next roll of a six sided die. Each guess costs $ 1. If they guess correctly, they get $ 100.00. The player will start out with a $10.00 bank. Each time he (or she) guesses incorrectly you will subtract $1.00 from their bank. Each time they guess correct, you add $100.00 to their bank. Print the total winnings or loss at the end of the game. [Each die toss is simulated using die = (int)(rand() % 6) + 1;]

program should look something like this:

    Your bank is $10.00 
    Please enter your guess for the next roll. It only costs $1.00 to play,  If you are correct I will pay you $100.00:

    Sorry, the dice rolled a 5.


    Your bank is $9.00 
    Please enter your guess for the next roll. It only costs $1.00 to play,  If you are correct I will pay you $100.00:

    Winner! the dice rolled a 4.
    Thanks for playing your bank is $109.00. Come back real soon

here's the code I have so far, what am I doing wrong?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int bank = 10;
    int dice = (int)(rand() % 6) + 1;
    int guess;
    char answer;

    cout<< "Welcome to my casino, Your bank is $10.00, Correctly guess what number will roll next.If you guess right you will $100.00 " << endl;
    cout<< "It only cost one dollar to begin " << endl;
    cout<< " Do you want to play Y or N? " <<endl;

    while (answer = 'Y')
        cout<< "Please enter your guess " << endl;

    if (guess !=dice)

        cout<< "Sorry you are wrong, you have: " << bank-1<< endl;
        cout<< " would you like to play again? " << endl;
    if (guess = dice)
        cout<<"congradulations you have won 100!! you now have " <<bank + 100<<endl;
        cout<< " would you like to play again" << endl;
        cin>> answer;

        return 0;

while (answer = 'Y')//should be ==

Why is this here?

while (answer = 'Y')
cout<< "Please enter your guess " << endl;
[B]break;[/B]//why do you have this here?
if (guess = dice){//This is not correct. You need ==

You have no input from the user if the guess != dice.

You are not creating a new random number. Your giving a random value to dice, and using it in your loop. You need to generate a new number each time you guess.

I thought i needed a break after while statements

Why is this here?

while (answer = 'Y')
cout<< "Please enter your guess " << endl;
[B]break;[/B]//why do you have this here?
if (guess = dice){//This is not correct. You need ==

You have no input from the user if the guess != dice.

You are not creating a new random number. Your giving a random value to dice, and using it in your loop. You need to generate a new number each time you guess.

How do i set it up??? I'm completely lost?

What do you mean set up? Please re-read my above post,I have edited it further.

ok i have edited to follwing code, not sure how to progress from here :

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int bank = 10;
    int dice;
    int guess;
    char answer;

    cout<< "Welcome to my casino, Your bank is $10.00, Correctly guess what number will roll next.If you guess right you will $100.00 " << endl;
    cout<< "It only cost one dollar to begin " << endl;
    cout<< " Do you want to play Y or N? " <<endl;

    while(answer == 'Y')
        cout<< "Please enter your guess " << endl;

        return 0;


i guess a better statement is, i understand how to get to this point, i also understand what the dice code will be but how do i write a statement that says : if answer = dice, you win, and if answer does not you loose 1 dollar play again y/n??

Also thank you for taking the time to help me... I suck at this, but i really do appreciate your help!!

You had already written code to do this, why have you removed it? If you saw my above post you can see that there were only slight mistakes.

Sorry my man, the battery of my laptop is just about gone! Hopefully somebody else is online to help you. Sorry!

Insted of char variable use int variable like 2 for continue and 3 to stop it will work try it

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int bank = 10;
int dice = (int)(rand() % 6) + 1;
int guess;
char answer;

cout<< "Welcome to my casino, Your bank is $10.00, Correctly guess what number will roll next.If you guess right you will $100.00 " << endl;
cout<< "It only cost one dollar to begin " << endl;
cout<< " Do you want to play Y or N? " <<endl;

while (answer == 'Y')
cout<< "Please enter your guess " << endl;

if (guess ==dice)

cout<< "Sorry you are wrong, you have: " << bank-1<< endl;
cout<< " would you like to play again? " << endl;
if (guess != dice)
cout<<"congradulations you have won 100!! you now have " <<bank + 100<<endl;
cout<< " would you like to play again" << endl;
cin>> answer;

return 0;


this above code is what i have now, I can't figure out how to get it to work from here...

Ok, So what do you think your problem is? Is the code doing what you want it to do?

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