i knwo its sound too fasicinating (about title)... and u might b thinking i would be a some kind of rocket programmer or hve gr8 skill over various programming languages ,,.... :icon_question: but unfortunately i dont fall in any these category ,.. actually i'm a student of computer science and in third semester right now and simply know one language i.e C++ .... but read several research paper about os development and knw what is kernals,shell,bit about boot order , memomery management..etc
now problem is that i want to writt a code in c++ that clear the screen but do not use any of the c++ header files and functions, basically i want to intract directally to hardware i.e VGA card to dispaly my commands,text
and i coulden't able to that... i wnant ur help if anyone can do in any sort... like if u kno any other forum or site from where i can get my ans soo plzz tell that
wating for reponse