Hi all.
I recently began to give C++ a go again after failing on the first attempt.
I quickly ran into the same problem that led me to C# the first time around.
Strings, damn strings.
I simply cannot get my head around arrays of charactors, they stress me out, and I just want to return a string from a function. Last time around I never even new there were programming forums where people help each other out, and I gave up pretty easily.
I would appreciate any help, and even a frank reply if C++ just does not deal with strings.
I simply want a C++ compiled dll file to hold some strings, and return them when called.
Take my imaginary code here.
string __stdcall myfunc(string s)
if (s == "banana")
return "Good String";
return "Bad String";
Is there any sort of includable library I can add to make something like this work?
I have searched the forum but just keep coming up with char[]
Thanks for any replies