
im having a small problem creating a tree. im not sure where im going wrong.
Can anyone please help? Thanks.

Here is the code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct tree_el {
   int val;
   struct tree_el *right; 
   struct tree_el *left;

typedef struct tree_el node;

void printout(node *tree) 
   if (tree -> left) 
   if (tree -> right)

void insert(node *parent, node *child)
	if (parent == NULL) {
		parent = child;
	if (child -> val < parent -> val) {
		insert(parent -> left, child);
	} else {
		insert(parent -> right, child);

int main(void)
   node *curr, *root;
   int i;

   root = NULL;

   for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
      /* Allocate memory */
      curr = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));

      curr->left = curr->right = NULL;
      curr->val = i;

	  /* Insert the node */
      insert(root, curr);


   return 0;

You know this is written in C not C++...

>You know this is written in C not C++...
You know that this compiles as C++ too...oh, apparently not. :icon_rolleyes:

If I was creating this simple binary tree I would create my structure like so

struct tree_el 
  int *val;
  struct tree_el *right; 
  struct tree_el *left;

With an int pointer...That way you can test if the pointer exists with a simple statement like

struct tree_el *root = (struct tree_el *)malloc(sizeof(struct tree_el));

if (root->val)


oh! im sorry about that. i use Visual C++.So i just posted it in here. Sorry about that. i will post it in the C forum.

i did not get you. It does compile. Throws a runtime error, which was my problem actually.

If I was creating this simple binary tree I would create my structure like so

struct tree_el 
  int *val;
  struct tree_el *right; 
  struct tree_el *left;

With an int pointer...That way you can test if the pointer exists with a simple statement like

struct tree_el *root = (struct tree_el *)malloc(sizeof(struct tree_el));

if (root->val)


Um, perhaps you could elaborate on the logic of this for us slower kids? Because your idea as stated is both illogical and broken.

>i did not get you. It does compile.

Yes, it does compile. That was my point. gerard was wrong in saying that the code is not C++.

Um, perhaps you could elaborate on the logic of this for us slower kids? Because your idea as stated is both illogical and broken.

>i did not get you. It does compile.

Yes, it does compile. That was my point. gerard was wrong in saying that the code is not C++.

Please electorate I'm interested in your comments.

If it was C++ shouldn't the includes be

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>

>If it was C++ shouldn't the includes be
Not necessarily. The standard C headers are still supported by standard C++, just deprecated. It's unlikely that they'll be removed from the C++ standard as well, because that would destroy code compatibility with C (a guiding principle from day one).


Ok. Anyways, can you please tell what the problem is? The subsequent calls to insert does not seem to be working.

You're not updating the root node:

node *insert(node *parent, node *child)
    if (parent == NULL) {
        parent = child;
        return parent;
    if (child -> val < parent -> val) {
        parent->left = insert(parent -> left, child);
    } else {
        parent->right = insert(parent -> right, child);

    return parent;
root = insert(root, curr);

The code you have fails because printout doesn't take into account that tree might be a null pointer.


Thanks a lot. i changed it as per your suggestions. The tree is built properly. But the printout function seems to have a problem.

void printout(node *tree) 
	if (tree == NULL)

   if (tree -> left) 
   if (tree -> right)

This is how i changed it. Can you please tell what the problem is?


It worked. Thanks a lot for the help. :)

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