for my computer programming class, we are suppose to create a program that asks the user to enter a file name, and after the file is brought up the next step is for a cloze text to pop up. we are suppose to write the code for that every 5th word is replaced with a series of 10 underscores. I cannot seem to get the underscores to work so if anyone could help that would be awesome.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int main ()

    // named constants
    const string UNDERLINE = "__________"; 
    string filename;
    ifstream infile; 
    bool notinfifthword = true; 
    bool prevletter = false;   
    bool infifthword = false;
    int wordcount = 0; 
    char ch;
    int number = 0;
    int wordmax = 5;

    // Ask user to enter File name
    cout << "Enter File Name" << endl; 
    cin >> filename;"austin.txt");

    // Write the main output heading
     cout << "-------------------------------------" << endl;
     cout <<           "EchoPrinted Text" << endl;
     cout << "-------------------------------------" << endl << endl;

        while (infile)
        cout << ch;

    infile.clear();               // reset read pointer to very beginning of file
    infile.seekg(0L, ios::beg); 

    cout << "--------------------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "Cloze Test Version of Text" << endl;
    cout << "-------------------------------------"  << endl << endl;

        while (infile)
        cout << ch;

        // Figure out if in new word
        if(isalpha(ch))     // Current is letter

            if(prevletter = false) // Previous character is not a letter
                // New word
                wordcount ++;
                if(prevletter = true);
                if(wordcount = 5);

            }       // In fifth word
                    cout << "__________"; 
                    wordcount = 0;
                    if(infifthword = true);

                        cout << ch; 

                { // In middle of word
                    if(infifthword = false)
                        cout << ch; 

                    if(notinfifthword = true)
                            cout <<ch;


    ;cout << " <<< Finished Program Successfully >>> " << endl << endl;

    return (0);

/* ========================================================================== */
/*                   E N D    O F    P R O G R A M                            */
/* ========================================================================== */

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