I wrote out a palindrome test program for my c++ class. It is to include 3 functions (one to count the length of the string, one to test if it is a palindrome, and one to output whether the string is a palindrome or not using a switch statement). Visual basic isn't picking up any errors in my code, and I am able to enter the string, but I get nothing returned. If someone can please help me out and show me where I made a mistake I would appreciate it.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>

using namespace std;
string str;
string stri;
int inputString (int n);
bool palindromeTest (bool isPalindrome);
void printMessage (bool isPalindrome);

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	int n=0;

	cout<<"THE PALINDROME TEST"<<endl;
	cout<<"Please enter a word or sentance to be tested: "<<endl;
	std::cin >> str;

int inputString (int n)
	n = str.length(); 
	if (n <= 0)
		cout<<"Error: No string enters, Please Restart Program"<<endl;	
return n;
bool palindromeTest (bool isPalindrome)
	isPalindrome = true;

	str = stri;
	reverse(stri.begin(), stri.end());
	if (str.compare(stri)==0)
		isPalindrome = true;
		return true;
		isPalindrome = false;
		return false;
void printMessage (bool isPalindrome)
	switch (isPalindrome)
	case true:
		cout<<"The string '"<<str<<"' is a palindrome"<<endl;
	case false:
		cout<<"The string '"<<str<<"' is not a palindrome"<<endl;
using namespace std; // It's better if you don't pollute your global namespace
string str; // Why not declare this in main()?
string stri;
int inputString (int n); // Not sure I understand why you pass an int here
bool palindromeTest (bool isPalindrome); // why do you pass this bool?
void printMessage (bool isPalindrome); // why do you pass this bool?
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int n=0;
cout<<"THE PALINDROME TEST"<<endl;
cout<<"Please enter a word or sentance to be tested: "<<endl;
std::cin >> str; // <- You are "using namespace std", don't put std::
// You aren't calling any functions, so it won't do anything.

I suggest you read up on variable scope, the main() function, and function parameters. You would likely find your answers with great ease.

Good luck!

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