hi there,
i have a question in LINQ in C#,
i have a webpage and in that i have a button called clicl and theGridview . i have a LINQ to SQL class with the Employee and the USErLogin which the EID in the Employee calss is a foreign key in the USerlogin class,
i doubled click on the button and wrote a simple query to get the values from the Employee table
below is the code
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var query = from e2 in po.Employees
select e2;
GridView1.DataSource = query;
but when i click the buttonnothis appears or no error , but the mdf file that i am using has values, why is this happening??
please give me a solution
appreciate a lot,
also i am not sure if i am in the right forum,
appreciate a lot