I have this following code. It runs. Im trying to implement remove, sort, and find functions in to this program but I do not know how to. I need some ideas.
Find - User inputs the song title. If it finds the song title, it will displays the given info along with it.
Remove- User inputs a song title. If it finds the song title, remove it.
Sort - Alphabetize the title of song collections.
I would also like to know how I can convert this code using classes rather than struct.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
struct cdStruct //Structure containing Cd Database Elements
string title;
string artist;
int numberOfSongs;
int number;
cdStruct *next;
void save(cdStruct *ptr) //Function that saves database info to file
ofstream dataFile;
dataFile.open("output.txt", ios::out | ios::app);
dataFile << ptr->title << endl;
dataFile << ptr->artist << endl;
dataFile << ptr->numberOfSongs << endl;
dataFile << ptr->number << endl;
void saveStructList(cdStruct *start) //Function that passes database info to the save function
ofstream dataFile;
cdStruct *ptr = start->next;
ptr = ptr->next;
void addLoadEntry(cdStruct* start)
ifstream dataFile("output.txt", ios::in);
if(!dataFile) //file not open
return; //return back to main
cdStruct* newStruct = new cdStruct;
getline(dataFile, newStruct->title);
getline(dataFile, newStruct->artist);
dataFile >> newStruct->numberOfSongs;
dataFile >> newStruct->number;
if(start == NULL)
start = newStruct; //if the first node (first link) is null, set the memory there
start->next = NULL;
return; //get out of the function
cdStruct *ptr = start;
while(ptr->next != NULL) // loop through all the nodes to until you hit the end
ptr = ptr->next;
//ok now were are at the very last node
ptr->next = newStruct;
ptr->next->next = NULL;
void addLoadEntry(cdStruct* start) //Function that creates a new structure
fstream dataFile("output.txt", ios::in);
cdStruct* newStruct = new cdStruct;
cdStruct *newEntry = newStruct; //getnewstruct()
getline(dataFile, newStruct->title);
getline(dataFile, newStruct->artist);
dataFile >> newStruct->numberOfSongs;
dataFile >> newStruct->number;
cdStruct *ptr = start;
while(ptr->next) // while the current entry points to ANOTHER entry
ptr = ptr->next;
// at this point ptr is a valid entry that points to null so it is the end (or tail) of the list
ptr->next = newEntry;
ptr->next->next = NULL;
void printStruct(cdStruct *ptr) //Function that prints database
cout << "Title: " << ptr->title << endl;
cout << "Artist: " << ptr->artist << endl;
cout << "# of Songs: " << ptr->numberOfSongs << endl;
cout << "ID #: " << ptr->number << endl;
void printStructList(cdStruct *start) //Function that sends database information to print function
cdStruct *ptr = start->next;
ptr = ptr->next;
void modifyStruct(cdStruct *start, int find) //Function to modifiy an existing database element
cdStruct *current;
cdStruct *previous;
current = start->next; // Start the Current to the first real rec
previous = start; // Start points to the first real rec
if(current->number == find) // Modifies the entry
cout << "Enter Cd Title: ";
getline(cin, current->title);
cout<< "Enter Artist Name: ";
getline(cin, current->artist);
cout << "Enter # of Songs: ";
cin >> current->numberOfSongs;
current->number = find;
previous = current;
current = current->next;
// This code bumps both the previous and current
// pointers one step down the line
cdStruct *getNewStuct() //Function to dynamically create a new structure as needed
cdStruct* newStruct = new cdStruct;
cout << "Enter Cd Title: ";
getline(cin, newStruct->title);
cout<< "Enter Artist Name: ";
getline(cin, newStruct->artist);
cout << "Enter # of Songs: ";
cin >> newStruct->numberOfSongs;
cout<< "Enter Id # ";
cin >> newStruct->number;
return newStruct;
void addEntry(cdStruct* start) //Function that creates a new structure
cdStruct *newEntry = getNewStuct();
cdStruct *ptr = start;
while(ptr->next) // while the current entry points to ANOTHER entry
ptr = ptr->next;
// at this point ptr is a valid entry that points to null so it is the end (or tail) of the list
ptr->next = newEntry;
ptr->next->next = NULL;
int main()
cdStruct *start = new cdStruct; // first element will NOT handle any info
start->next = NULL;
int temp, userChoice;
// print menu
cout << "------- Super CD 2.0 --------" << endl << endl;
cout << "1. Print CD Database" << endl;
cout << "2. Create a New Entry" << endl;
cout << "3. Modify an Existing Entry" << endl;
cout << "4. Save Database" << endl;
cout << "5. Load Database" << endl;
cout << "6. Exit " << endl << endl;
cout << "Your Selection -> ";
cin >> userChoice;
case 1: //print user mendu
case 2: //allow user to make a new entry
case 3: //allow user to modify an existing entry
cout<<"Enter number to be modified: ";
cin >> temp;
modifyStruct(start, temp);
case 4: //allow user to save the database to file
case 5: //allow user to load an existing database
case 6: //allow user to exit the program
cout << endl << "You Chose to Exit" << endl;
} // switch
}while(userChoice != 6);
return 0;