gieri002 0 Newbie Poster

im trying to read in a string using spaces to separate integers, then display the total of all the seperate integers in the string....Any help would be greatly appreciated

      Prompt1: .asciiz "\nPlease enter a list of integers."
      newline: .asciiz "\n"
      Buffer: .space 400
      .globl main
      li $v0, 4 # syscall for Print String
      la $a0, Prompt1 # load address of prompt into $a0
      syscall # print the prompt
      li $v0, 8 # syscall for Read String
      la $a0, Buffer
      li $a1, 400
      syscall # read the value of a into $v0

      la $s0, Buffer # $s0 <= Buffer
      li $v0, 4 # output entered string
      la $a0, Buffer
      li $v0, 4 # output a newline
      la $a0, newline
      li $t1, 32 # set $t1 to ' '
      move $s1, $zero # set value to 0
      move $s3, $zero # set temp value to 0
      lb $t2, 0($s0) # set p*
      beq $t2, $zero, exit # exit if p* is null
      move $s2, $zero # reset current character value
      addi $s2, $t2, -48 # set current character value
      addi $s4, $s0, 1
      lb $t3, 0($s4) # set (p+1)*
      bne $t3, $t1, multiply # Go to multiply if the next character is not whitespace
      add $s3, $s3, $t2 # temp value = temp value + character value
      add $s1, $s1, $s3 # value = value + temp value
      addi $s0, $s0, 1 # increment pointer p*
      move $s3, $zero # reset temp value
      j while # go to beginning of while loop
      sll $t4, $s3, 3 # x = value multiplied by eight
      sll $t5, $s3, 1 # y = value multiplied by two
      add $s3, $t4, $t5 # value = x + y = value * 10
      add $s3, $s3, $t2 # add the current character to the multiplied value
      addi $s0, $s0, 1 # increment pointer p*
      j while # go to beginning of while loop
      li $v0, 1 # output the value for the sum
      move $a0, $s1
      li $v0, 10 # terminate run
      syscall # return to operating system
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