Can someone run my mips code? I'm using pcSpim as my simulator

The issue I'm having is that it doesn't correctly output the number of othercharacters.

Other characters would be like !@#$%^&*()_+-=.,<>?/ \

The other problem I'm having is that it doesn't output the number of characters there are in the string inputted. If I get rid of the othercharacters loop then it will output or display the number of characters or the length of the string inputted.

Thank you to anyone who can help me!

## This program prints out the length of characters, digits, upper and lower case characters that are inputted through the user
## t0 holds each byte from input
## t1 contains the count of characteters
## t2 points to the input of characters


input:	.asciiz "Please enter up to eighty characters "

ans:	.asciiz "\nThis is how many characters your input has "

anstwo:	.asciiz "\nThis is how many uppercase characters your input has "

ansthree: .asciiz "\nThis is how many lowercase characters your input has "

ansfour: .asciiz "\nThis is how many digits your input has "

ansfive: .asciiz "\nThis is how many spaces your input has "

anssix: .asciiz "\nThis is how many othercharacters your input has "

buffer: .space 80

	.globl main

	li $v0, 4	# system call code for print_str
	la $a0, input	# address of string to print
	syscall  	# print the input

	li $v0, 8	# code for syscall read_string
	la $a0, buffer	# tell syscall where the buffer is
	li $a1, 80	# tell syscall how big the buffer is

	la $t2, buffer	# t2 points to the input
	li $t1, 0 	# t1 holds the count


	la $a0, buffer
	jal 	uppercasecount	# call uppercasecount

	la $t2, buffer	# t2 points to the input
	li $t3, 0	# t3 holds the count for how many uppercase

	la $a0, buffer
	jal 	lowercasecount	# call lowercasecount

	la $t2, buffer	# t2 points to the input
	li $t4, 0	# t4 holds the count for how many lowercase

	la $t2, buffer	# t2 points to the input
	li $t5, 0	# t5 holds the count for how many digits
	jal 	digitcount	# call digitcount

	la $t2, buffer	# t2 points to the input
	li $t6, 0	# t6 holds the count for how many spaces
	jal 	spacecount	# call spacecount


	la $t2, buffer
	#li $t7, 0
	jal 	Othercharacters



	lb $t0,($t2)	# get a byte from the input
	beqz $t0, characterend	# zero means it is the end of the input
	addi $t1, $t1, 1	# increment the count
	addi $t2,1	# move the pointer to the next character
	j nextcharacter	# go through the next character loop again


	la $a0, ans	# system call to print
	li $v0, 4	# out a message
	sub $t1, $t1, 1	# subtract 1 from count of characters to get correct number

	move $a0, $t1	# system call to print
	li $v0, 1	# out the length worked out

	li $v0,10	# exit

# uppercase - takes a single character as a
# parameter and returns 1 if the character 
# is a uppercase otherwise return 0.
#	a0 - holds character
#	v0 - returns 0 or 1
	li $v0, 0	#
	beq  $a0,'A',ucyes	#beq means branch is equal to
	beq  $a0,'B',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'C',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'D',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'E',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'F',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'G',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'H',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'I',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'J',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'K',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'L',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'M',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'N',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'O',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'P',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'Q',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'R',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'S',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'T',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'U',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'V',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'W',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'X',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'Y',ucyes
	beq  $a0,'Z',ucyes
	jr $ra 	# return (to the operating system)

	li $v0,1	# this is the code perform print_int
	jr $ra	# return (to the operating system)

	jr $ra

# uppercasecount - use vowelp to count the vowels in a
# string.
#	a0 - holds buffer address
#	t3 - holds number of uppercasecharacters
#	v0 - returns number of uppercasecharacters

	sub $sp,$sp,16 	# save registers on stack
	sw $a0,0($sp)
	sw $t3,4($sp)
	sw $s1,8($sp)
	sw $ra,12($sp)

	li $t3,0	# count of vowels
	move $s1,$a0	# address of string

	lb $a0,($s1)	# get each character
	beqz $a0,uppercasedone	# zero marks end
	jal uppercase	# call uppercase 
	add $t3,$t3,$v0	# add 0 or 1 to count
	add $s1,$s1,1	# move along string
	j nextcharacter2


	la $a0, anstwo
	li $v0, 4

	move $a0, $t3	# system call to print
	li $v0, 1	# out the length worked out

	lw $a0,0($sp) 	# restore registers
	lw $s0,4($sp)
	lw $t3,8($sp)
	lw $ra,12($sp)
	add $sp,$sp,16
	jr $ra

# lowercase - takes a single character as a
# parameter and returns 1 if the character 
# is a uppercase otherwise return 0.
#	a0 - holds character
#	v0 - returns 0 or 1
	li $v0, 0	#
	beq  $a0,'a',lcyes	#beq means branch is equal to
	beq  $a0,'b',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'c',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'d',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'e',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'f',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'g',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'h',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'i',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'j',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'k',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'l',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'m',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'n',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'o',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'p',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'q',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'r',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'s',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'t',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'u',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'v',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'w',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'x',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'y',lcyes
	beq  $a0,'z',lcyes
	jr $ra 	# return (to the operating system)

	li $v0,1	# this is the code perform print_int
	jr $ra	# return (to the operating system)

# lowercasecount - use lowercase to count the lowercase characters in a
# string.
#	a0 - holds buffer address
#	t4 - holds number of lowercasecharacters
#	v0 - returns number of lowercasecharacters

	sub $sp,$sp,16 	# save registers on stack
	sw $a0,0($sp)
	sw $t4,4($sp)
	sw $s1,8($sp)
	sw $ra,12($sp)

	li $t4,0	# count of lowercase
	move $s1,$a0	# address of string

	lb $a0,($s1)	# get each character
	beqz $a0,lowercasedone	# zero marks end
	jal lowercase	# call lowercase 
	add $t4,$t4,$v0	# add 0 or 1 to count
	add $s1,$s1,1	# move along string
	j nextcharacter3


	la $a0, ansthree
	li $v0, 4

	move $a0, $t4	# system call to print
	li $v0, 1	# out the length worked out

	lw $a0,0($sp) 	# restore registers
	lw $t4,4($sp)
	lw $s1,8($sp)
	lw $ra,12($sp)
	add $sp,$sp,16

	jr $ra 	# return (to the operating system)

	li $v0, 0
	beq  $a0,'1',dyes
	beq  $a0,'2',dyes
	beq  $a0,'3',dyes
	beq  $a0,'4',dyes
	beq  $a0,'5',dyes
	beq  $a0,'6',dyes
	beq  $a0,'7',dyes
	beq  $a0,'8',dyes
	beq  $a0,'9',dyes
	beq  $a0,'0',dyes

	jr $ra 	# return (to the operating system)

	li $v0,1
	jr $ra


	sub $sp, $sp, 16
	sw $a0,0($sp)
	sw $t5,4($sp)
	sw $s1,8($sp)
	sw $ra,12($sp)

	li $t5,0	# count of digits
	move $s1,$a0	# address of string

	lb $a0,($s1)	# get each character
	beqz $a0,digitdone	# zero marks end
	jal digit	# call digit 
	add $t5,$t5,$v0	# add 0 or 1 to count
	add $s1,$s1,1	# move along string
	j nextdigit

	la $a0, ansfour
	li $v0, 4

	move $a0, $t5	# system call to print
	li $v0, 1	# out the length worked out

	lw $a0,0($sp) 	# restore registers
	lw $t5,4($sp)
	lw $s1,8($sp)
	lw $ra,12($sp)
	add $sp,$sp,16
	jr $ra

	li $v0, 0
	beq  $a0,' ',syes
	jr $ra 	# return (to the operating system)

	li $v0,1
	jr $ra


	sub $sp, $sp, 16
	sw $a0,0($sp)
	sw $t6,4($sp)
	sw $s1,8($sp)
	sw $ra,12($sp)

	li $t6,0	# count of space
	move $s1,$a0	# address of string


	lb $a0,($s1)	# get each character
	beqz $a0,spacedone	# zero marks end
	jal space	# call space 
	add $t6,$t6,$v0	# add 0 or 1 to count
	add $s1,$s1,1	# move along string
	j nextspace

	la $a0, ansfive	# how many spaces are in the characters
	li $v0, 4

	move $a0, $t6	# system call to print
	li $v0, 1	# out the length worked out

	lw $a0,0($sp) 	# restore registers
	lw $t6,4($sp)
	lw $s1,8($sp)
	lw $ra,12($sp)
	add $sp,$sp,16
	jr $ra

	add $t7, $t3, $t4
	add $t8, $t5, $t6
	add $t9, $t8, $t7
	sub $t9, $t2, $t9

	li $v0, 4
	la $a0, anssix

	li $v0, 1
	move $a0, $t9

Ok good news, I was able to get my how many character output back, but I'm still having trouble getting the number of othercharacters to print.

Well I was able to get all of it to pretty much work.

I need just for Lower Case would somebody tell me what of the code to delete , because this is for upper and digits ? Thanks

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