I am having a hard time figuring out how to use the db object created in the first action event within the second action... how can i make the object visible there? i am trying to say add a record to db object by saying something like
class Action2 implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
String record1 = field2.getText();
String record2 = field3.getText();
String record3 = field4.getText();
db.addRecord(record1, record2, record3); // but cannot see instance of db here
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class MyDbGUIPanel extends JPanel {
private JTextField field1, field2,field3,field4;
private JLabel label1, label2, label3, label4, label5;
private JButton button1;
public MyDbGUIPanel () {
label1 = new JLabel("Create a database: ");
add (label1);
field1 = new JTextField(5);
add (field1);
field1.addActionListener(new Action());
label2 = new JLabel(" -------- ");
label3 = new JLabel(" Create a new record (Name)");
field2 = new JTextField(5);
add (field2);
label4 = new JLabel(" (Homeworks)");
field3 = new JTextField(5);
add (field3);
label5 = new JLabel(" (Exams)");
field4 = new JTextField(5);
add (field4);
button1 = new JButton ("Add Record");
add (button1);
// button1.addActionListener(new Action2());
setPreferredSize (new Dimension(400,400));
class Action implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
String newDatabaseName = field1.getText();
StudentDB db = new StudentDB(newDatabaseName);
label2.setText("databse: " + db);
class Action2 implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
db. }
} */