Hi all,
So I'm working on this program to detect if the w' in a string in the form of w$w' satisfies the condition that w' is the reverse of w. The only problem is that I have a logic error that I don't understand.
If I input the string "123456$654321" the program says that the string satisfies the condition, which is correct. However, when I put in "123456$654311" the program still says that the string satisfies the condition, which is wrong. I know it sounds simple, but this one logic error has baffled me for about 5 hours now and I'm at my wits end, so if any of you have any input, it would be greatly appreciated.
The code is all in one file for convenience at this point:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
typedef char stacktype;
class Stack{
int top;
int size;
stacktype *arr;
Stack(int size) {
if (size <= 0) {
throw string("Invalid stack size.");
arr = new stacktype[size];
top = -1;
}//end copy constructor
void push(stacktype value) {
if(top==size) {
throw string("Stack storage overflow");
}//end push
stacktype peek() {
if(top == -1) {
throw string("Stack empty.");
return arr[top];
}//end peek
void pop() {
if(top == -1) {
throw string("Stack empty");
}//end pop
bool isEmpty() {
return (top == -1);
}//end isEmpty
int getTop() {
return top;
}//end getTop
~Stack() {
delete[] arr;
}//end destructor
};//end stack class
//void stringcom(string str);//prototype
void stringcomp(string str) {
cout << "inside function." << endl;
int i=0;
bool inlang;//tells if the string is in the language
Stack mystack(str.size());
cout << "Stack created" << endl;
while(str[i] != '$')
}//end while loop
//increment i to skip $
//match reverse of w as stipulated
inlang = true;
int k = i-2;
while(inlang && (i<str.size()))
if(mystack.peek() == str[k])
else {
inlang = false;
}//end try
catch (string failure)
cout << failure << endl;
}//end catch
}//end while
if(inlang && mystack.isEmpty()) {
cout << "The string is in the language." << endl;
else {
cout << "The string is not in the language." << endl;
}//end function
int main() {
string mystring;
mystring = "123456$654311";
return 0;