im doing this project to work it prints out all information except the radius it just gives 0,0 but needs to give locations provided in code.
#ifndef SHAPE_H
#define SHAPE_H
#include <iostream>
using std::ostream;
class Shape
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &out,Shape &s);
Shape(double = 0.0,double = 0.0);//default constructor
double getCenterX()const;//function prototype
double getCenterY()const;//function prototype
virtual void print() const = 0;//pure virtual function
double centerX;//data member
double centerY;//data member
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Shape.h"
Shape::Shape(double x,double y)
centerX = x;
centerY = y;
double Shape::getCenterX()const
return centerX;
double Shape::getCenterY()const
return centerY;
#include "Shape.h"
class TwoDimensionalShape: public Shape
TwoDimensionalShape(double x,double y)
double Shape(double x,double y);
virtual double getArea()const = 0;//pure virtual function
#include "Shape.h"
class ThreeDimensionalShape:public Shape
ThreeDimensionalShape(double x,double y)
double Shape(double x,double y);
virtual double getArea()const = 0;//pure virtual function
virtual double getVolume()const = 0;//pure virtual function
#ifndef CIRCLE_H
#define CIRCLE_H
#include "TwoDimensionalShape.h"
class Circle: public TwoDimensionalShape
Circle(double = 0.0,double = 0.0,double = 0.0);//constructor
double getRadius() const;// virtual function
double getArea() const;// virtual function
void print()const;//function prototype
double radius;//data member
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "Circle.h"
using namespace std;
Circle::Circle(double r,double x,double y): TwoDimensionalShape(x,y)
radius = r;
double Circle::getArea()const
return 3.14159 * radius * radius;
void Circle::print()const
cout<<"Circle with radius "<<getRadius()<<"; "<<"center at ("<<getCenterX()<<", "<<getCenterY()<<")";
double Circle::getRadius() const
return radius;
#ifndef SQUARE_H
#define SQUARE_H
#include "TwoDimensionalShape.h"
class Square: public TwoDimensionalShape
Square(double = 0.0,double = 0.0,double = 0.0);//constructor
virtual double getSideLength()const;//virtual function
virtual double getArea()const;//virtual function
void print()const;//prototype for print function
double sideLength;//data member
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "Square.h"
using std::cout;
using namespace std;
Square::Square(double s,double x,double y) : TwoDimensionalShape(x,y)
sideLength = s;
double Square::getSideLength()const
return sideLength;
double Square::getArea()const
return sideLength * sideLength;
void Square::print()const//print results
cout<<"Square with side length "<<getSideLength()<<"; "<<"center at ("<<centerX<<", "<<centerY<<")";
#ifndef SPHERE_H
#define SPHERE_H
#include "ThreeDimensionalShape.h"
class Sphere: public ThreeDimensionalShape
Sphere(double = 0.0,double = 0.0,double = 0.0);//constructor
virtual double getArea()const;//virtual function
virtual double getVolume()const;//virtual function
double getRadius();//function prototype
void print()const;//function prototype
double radius;//data member
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "Sphere.h"
using namespace std;
Sphere::Sphere(double r,double x, double y) : ThreeDimensionalShape(x,y)
radius = r;
double Sphere::getArea()const
return 4.0 * 3.14159 * radius * radius;
double Sphere::getVolume()const
return (4.0/3.0) * 3.14159 * radius * radius * radius;
double Sphere::getRadius()
return radius;
void Sphere::print()const//print results
cout<<"Sphere with radius "<<radius<<"; "<<"center at ("<<centerX<<", "<<centerY<<")";
#ifndef CUBE_H
#define CUBE_H
#include "ThreeDimensionalShape.h"
class Cube: public ThreeDimensionalShape
Cube(double = 0.0,double = 0.0,double = 0.0);
virtual double getArea()const;// virtual function
virtual double getVolume()const;//virtual function
double getSideLength()const;//function prototype
void print()const;//function prototype
double sideLength;//data member
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "Cube.h"
using namespace std;
Cube::Cube(double s,double x, double y) : ThreeDimensionalShape(x,y)
sideLength = s;
double Cube::getSideLength()const
return sideLength;
double Cube::getArea ()const
return 6 * sideLength * sideLength;
double Cube::getVolume()const
return sideLength * sideLength * sideLength;
void Cube::print()const
cout<<"Cube with side legnth "<<sideLength<<" ; center at ("<<centerX<<", "<<centerY<<")";
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <typeinfo>
#include "Shape.h"
#include "TwoDimensionalShape.h"
#include "ThreeDimensionalShape.h"
#include "Circle.h"
#include "Square.h"
#include "Sphere.h"
#include "Cube.h"
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::vector;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
shapes[0] = new Circle(3.5,6.0,9.0);
shapes[1] = new Square(12,2.0,2.0);
shapes[2] = new Sphere(5,1.5,4.5);
shapes[3] = new Cube(2.2);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
cout<< *(shapes[i])<<endl;
//downcast pointer
TwoDimensionalShape *twoDimensionalShapePtr = dynamic_cast<TwoDimensionalShape *> (shapes[i]);
//if shape is a TwoDimensionalShape display its area
if(twoDimensionalShapePtr != 0)
cout<<"Area: "<<twoDimensionalShapePtr->getArea()<<endl<<endl;;
//downcast pointer
ThreeDimensionalShape *threeDimensionalShapePtr = dynamic_cast <ThreeDimensionalShape *> (shapes[i]);
//if Shape is a ThreeDimensionalShape display its area and volume
if(threeDimensionalShapePtr != 0)
cout<<"Area: "<<threeDimensionalShapePtr->getArea()<<"\nVolume: "<<threeDimensionalShapePtr->getVolume()<<endl<<endl;
}//end for
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
delete shapes[i];
return 0;