Hi everyone,
I am trying to create a list of objects in python. I get the listing of all of the files from the directory that I want. Then I open each file and read it into an appropriate object and append it to the list. For some reason when the data gets read in from the file it gets appended to the end of the last file. So by the end, the last object contains all of the previous objects. Here is my code:
Reads in all of the room_tables and adds them to the room_tables list
def get_room_tables(self):
cur_dir = os.getcwd()
cur_dir = cur_dir + "/room_tables"
count = 0
file_list = []
for filename in os.listdir(cur_dir):
if 'table' in filename:
filename = cur_dir + '/' + filename
file_list.insert(count, filename)
count += 1
for file in file_list:
new_table = RoomTable()
print new_table.room_table
and the method it calls:
Reads in a room_table from a file
@param room_table: file to be read from
def read_from_file(self,room_table):
if room_table is not None:
file = open(room_table, 'r')
file_list = file.readlines()
self.class_name = file_list[0].rstrip('\n')
count = 1
while count in range(len(file_list)):
line = file_list[count].split()
count += 1