I'm trying to write a program that, after playing a game with the user, asks if they want to play again. For this test, I want to simply test the first letter of the word they input and if it's a "y" then the game will repeat.
at first, I had :
String repeat = "y";
String again = "y";
while ( repeat.charAt(0) == again.charAt(0)) {
System.out.print("Would you like to play again?)"
repeat = console.next();
but this wouldn't work if the user typed "Yes" for example, as Y != y.
I tried using the equalsIgnoreCase test but I couldn't figure it out. I tried doing:
String repeat = "y";
String again = "y";
while ( repeat.equalsIgnoreCase(again)) {
System.out.print("Would you like to play again?)"
String answer = console.next();
repeat = answer.charAt(0);
but I kept getting "incompatible types" at:
repeat = answer.charAt(0);
Why won't java allow me to use charAt(0) in a string?
how can I go about fixing this?