I have followed the article about Write and read to cmd line from GUI on the post located here.
I have downloaded the files RedirectStandardOutput.zip posted by Diamonddrake. I found these to be exactly what i wanted to include in my own form and attempted to copy the code into my existing form. My problem is this:
Instead of this: this.console1 = new RedirectStandardOutput.Console();
I have: this.console1 = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
My form is called MainForm1 and so I have renamed my namespace in Console1.cs from RedirectStandardOutput to MainForm1 to reflect this.
My form fails to find the reference.
In Form1.Designer.cs I have: private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox console1;
But in the downloaded files there is: private Console console1;
as well as other code relating to console.
I hope someone understands what I have done wrong and offer some tips.