I am receiving error messages for this palindrome problem. I am reading in a file and outputting the results if it is a palindrome or not using stacks. Any ideas as to why I am receiving error messages below.

include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

class CommandLineException
	CommandLineException(int max, int actual)
		cout << " Too many command line arguments. " << endl;

class FileException
	FileException(char* fn)
		cout << " File " << fn << " could not be opened. " << endl;

class Stack_Empty_Exception
	Stack_Empty_Exception(char* a)
		cout << " I am . " << a <<" empty" << endl;


class Stack_Full_Exception
	Stack_Full_Exception(char* fn)
		cout << " I am " << fn << " full. " << endl;

class Stack 
		bool isFull(void); // check less than size	
		bool isEmpty(void);  
		void Push(char v);
		char Pop(void);
		int size;
		int top_of_stack;
		char* s;


	int sz = 100;
	size = sz;
	top_of_stack = -1;
	s = new char[size];



bool Stack::isFull(void)
	return top_of_stack >= size - 1;

bool Stack::isEmpty(void)
	return top_of_stack < 0;
void Stack::Push( char v)
	if (isFull())
		throw Stack_Full_Exception();
			s[++top_of_stack] = v;
char Stack::Pop(void)
	if (isEmpty())
		throw Stack_Empty_Exception();

	return s[top_of_stack--];

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) 

	char infile[100];   // input file
	char outfile[100];  // output file

		if (argc == 1)
			cout << " Enter the input file name. " << endl;
			cin >> infile;
			cout << " Enter the output file name. " << endl;
			cin >> outfile;
			cout << endl;
	        else if (argc == 2)
			strcpy(infile, argv[1]);
			cout << " Enter the output file name. " << endl;
			cin >> outfile;
			cout << endl;
		else if ( argc == 3)
			strcpy(infile, argv[1]);
			strcpy(outfile, argv[2]);
			throw CommandLineException(2,argc -1);
	ifstream i(infile);
			throw FileException(infile);

	ofstream o(outfile);
			throw FileException(outfile);

	} catch(...)
		cout <<  " Program Terminated. " << endl;

	void is_Palindrome(isstream& i, ostream& o)
			string word;
			i >> word;
			if ( i.eof())
			o << endl;
			o << word << " is a palindrome. " << endl;
		}   // end of for loop
	}  // end of is_Palindrome function.

	bool check_Palindrome( string& word)
		Stack reverse;

			for ( int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++)
			for ( int j = 0; j < word.length(); j++)
				if (word[j] != reverse.pop())
					return false;
					return true;

	}  // end of check_palindrome

	return 0;

error messages:

D:\MSDev98\CS2613\p02\p02.cpp(79) : error C2511: 'Stack::Stack' : overloaded member function 'void (void)' not found in 'Stack'
        D:\MSDev98\CS2613\p02\p02.cpp(59) : see declaration of 'Stack'
D:\MSDev98\CS2613\p02\p02.cpp(111) : error C2512: 'Stack_Full_Exception::Stack_Full_Exception' : no appropriate default constructor available
D:\MSDev98\CS2613\p02\p02.cpp(118) : error C2512: 'Stack_Empty_Exception::Stack_Empty_Exception' : no appropriate default constructor available
D:\MSDev98\CS2613\p02\p02.cpp(178) : error C2065: 'isstream' : undeclared identifier
D:\MSDev98\CS2613\p02\p02.cpp(178) : error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier
D:\MSDev98\CS2613\p02\p02.cpp(178) : error C2065: 'o' : undeclared identifier
D:\MSDev98\CS2613\p02\p02.cpp(178) : error C2275: 'ostream' : illegal use of this type as an expression
        d:\vc98\include\iosfwd(257) : see declaration of 'ostream'
D:\MSDev98\CS2613\p02\p02.cpp(179) : error C2448: '<Unknown>' : function-style initializer appears to be a function definition
D:\MSDev98\CS2613\p02\p02.cpp(183) : error C2065: 'word' : undeclared identifier
D:\MSDev98\CS2613\p02\p02.cpp(183) : warning C4552: '>>' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect
D:\MSDev98\CS2613\p02\p02.cpp(184) : error C2228: left of '.eof' must have class/struct/union type
D:\MSDev98\CS2613\p02\p02.cpp(186) : error C2563: mismatch in formal parameter list
D:\MSDev98\CS2613\p02\p02.cpp(186) : error C2568: '<<' : unable to resolve function overload
        could be 'class std::basic_ostream<unsigned short,struct std::char_traits<unsigned short> > &__cdecl std::endl(class std::basic_ostream<unsigned short,struct std::char_traits<unsigned short> > &)'
        d:\vc98\include\ostream(377) : see declaration of 'endl'
        or       'class std::basic_ostream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &__cdecl std::endl(class std::basic_ostream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &)'
        d:\vc98\include\ostream(372) : see declaration of 'endl'
        or       'class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &__cdecl std::endl(class std::basic_ostream<_E,_Tr> &)'
        d:\vc98\include\ostream(367) : see declaration of 'endl'
D:\MSDev98\CS2613\p02\p02.cpp(187) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [19]'
D:\MSDev98\CS2613\p02\p02.cpp(192) : error C2601: 'check_Palindrome' : local function definitions are illegal
Error executing cl.exe.

p02.obj - 14 error(s), 1 warning(s)

why stacks?
Heres a palindrome proggy i did for another board.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>

int IsMirrorPalindrome( const char* word, size_t length )
   if( length <= 1) return 1;
   return ( (word[0] == word[length-1]) && IsMirrorPalindrome(word+1,length-2));

int IsPalindrome(std::string test)
   std::string tempcopy;
   std::string::iterator iter = test.begin();
   const std::string::iterator end = test.end();
   while ( iter != end )
      const char c = *iter;
      if ( (!std::ispunct(c)) && (!std::isspace(c)) ) tempcopy.push_back(std::tolower(c));

   if (IsMirrorPalindrome(tempcopy.c_str(),tempcopy.length()))
      return 1;
      return 0;

int main()
   std::string test;
   std::cout<<" enter string.... ";
   if (IsPalindrome(test))
      std::cout<<std::endl<<" not palindrome"<<std::endl;

ok lets go thru your code....

your exception classes will need default constructors or arguments passed to them.

destructor doesnt need if(s). just the delete[]s will do nicely.

throw Stack_Full_Exception();
should be
throw Stack_Full_Exception;
throw Stack_Full_Exception(args);
depending on available constructors. see point 1.

You cant nest other functions inside main!!!!
Thats illegal.
Your funcs to check if a palindrome is never called from main.
Fix those and repost if that dont do it.

I have to use a stack, will make those corrections and let you know what happens.


Okay, the problem I am having now is that once compiled and I will input the I/O file names. It will state that the file cannot be opened. Why?


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

class CommandLineException
	CommandLineException(int max, int actual)
		cout << " Too many command line arguments. " << endl;


class FileException
	FileException(char* fn)
		cout << " File " << fn << " could not be opened. " << endl;


class Stack 
		bool isFull(void); 
		bool isEmpty(void);  
		void Push(char v);
		char Pop(void);
		class Stack_Empty_Exception{public:Stack_Empty_Exception();};
		class Stack_Full_Exception{public:Stack_Full_Exception();};

		int size;
		int top_of_stack;
		char* s;

	cout << " The stack is empty. " << endl;
	cout << " The stack is full. " << endl;
	int sz = 100;
	size = sz;
	top_of_stack = -1;
	s = new char[size];



bool Stack::isFull(void)
	return top_of_stack >= size - 1;

bool Stack::isEmpty(void)
	return top_of_stack < 0;
void Stack::Push( char v)
	if (isFull())
		throw Stack_Full_Exception();
			s[++top_of_stack] = v;
char Stack::Pop(void)
	if (isEmpty())
		throw Stack_Empty_Exception();

	return s[top_of_stack--];

bool is_Palindrome(ifstream& i, ofstream& o);
void Palindrome_mgr(string str1, ofstream& o);

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 

	char infile[255];   // input file
	char outfile[255];  // output file

		if (argc == 1)
			cout << " Enter the input file name. " << endl;
			cin >> infile;
			cout << " Enter the output file name. " << endl;
			cin >> outfile;
			cout << endl;
	        else if (argc == 2)
			strcpy(infile, argv[1]);
			cout << " Enter the output file name. " << endl;
			cin >> outfile;
			cout << endl;
		else if ( argc == 3)
			strcpy(infile, argv[1]);
			strcpy(outfile, argv[2]);
			throw CommandLineException(2,argc -1);
	ifstream i(infile);
			throw FileException(infile);

	ofstream o(outfile);
			throw FileException(outfile);

		string word;
			i >> word;

		Palindrome_mgr(word, o);

	} catch(...)
		cout <<  " Program Terminated. " << endl;


	return 0;

bool is_Palindrome(string check1, string check2 )
		if (check1 == check2)
			return true;
			return false;
}  // end of is_Palindrome function.


void Palindrome_mgr(string str1, ofstream& o)
			string str2;
			bool swapped;
			Stack s;
			for ( int i = 0; i < str1.length(); i++)
				str2 += s.Pop();

			swapped = is_Palindrome(str1,str2);
			if (swapped)
				cout << str1 << " is a palindrome." << endl;
				cout<< str1 << " is not a palindrome. " << endl;

}	// end of Palindrome_mgr.

You have included cmath twice, but that's not likely to cause the problem you describe. When programs compile, but then don't run appropriately, it is harder to debug them. In this case the syntax of obtaining file names and associating them with files, etc. seem appropriate. Therefore, I would try printing the file names to the screen using cout statements to be sure they have been input appropriately. IF that doesn't work, then posting the exact output that is unexpected and/or error statements you encounter would be helpful. If that still doesn't work I'd start commenting out stuff until I got back to a bare bones program without all the fluff of try/catch etc. to confound the issue and proceed until I got the program running. Then I'd add back sections, one at time and testing each one as they are reintroduced until I tracked the problem down to a (given set of) line(s).

okay i figured it out. the file names were different. However, when it reads in the file it only reads in the last word and checks for palindrome.

string word;  //declare a single string
  if(i.eof())  //if find EOF 
   break;    //stop
  i >> word;  ///else read in each word, but don't do anything with it.
Palindrome_mgr(word, o); //send last word read in to this function.

Do you see any problem with logic in the comments I wrote?
You will do yourself a big favor by testing code as you write it, one
step at a time, and not as one big bolus.

BTW: You shouldn't be testing for eof() to break out of the loop as
it will likely cause an overread by one. But that would be then next
problem you encounter if you fix the more obvious logic problem.

I got it figured out. Good looking out everyone.


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