This is what the program does:
-reads data (stock symbols, open price, closing price, high price, low price, previous price, and volume ) from a text file
-do some calculation to produce percent gain/loss for each stock and produce closing assets
-produce a list ordered by percent gain/loss and output the result
I hope I get some help here because I'm stuck and I don't know what else to do
this is what I have so far:


 * stockMarketMain.cpp
 *  Created on: Oct 29, 2010
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include "listType.h"
#include "stockType.h"

using namespace std;

int main() {
	stockListType stockList;
	stockType stockTemp;

	stockTemp.setStockInfo("IBD", 68.00, 71.00, 72.00, 67.00, 75.00, 15000);
	stockList.insertAt(stockTemp, 0);

	stockTemp.setStockInfo("MSET", 120.00, 140.00, 145.00, 140.00, 115.00, 30920);
	stockList.insertAt(stockTemp, 1);

	stockTemp.setStockInfo("AOLK", 80.00, 75.00, 82.00, 74.00, 83.00, 5000);
	stockList.insertAt(stockTemp, 2);

	stockTemp.setStockInfo("CSCO", 100.00, 102.00, 105.00, 98.00, 101.00, 25000);
	stockList.insertAt(stockTemp, 3);

	stockTemp.setStockInfo("ABC", 123.45, 130.95, 132.00, 125.00, 120.50, 10000);
	stockList.insertAt(stockTemp, 4);

	return 0;


#ifndef H_stockType
#define H_stockType

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include "myString.h"

using namespace std;
class stockType
    friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const stockType&);
    friend ifstream& operator>> (ifstream&, stockType&);

    void setStockInfo(newString symbol, double openPrice,
                      double closeProce, double high,
                      double Low, double prevClose,
                      int shares);
    newString getSymbol();
    double getPercentChange();
    double getOpenPrice();
    double getClosePrice();
    double getHighPrice();
    double getLowPrice();
    double getPrevPrice();
    int getnoOfShares();

    stockType(newString symbol, double openPrice,
              double closeProce, double high,
              double Low, double prevClose,
             int shares);

    int operator ==(stockType other);
    int operator !=(stockType other);
    int operator <=(stockType other);
    int operator >=(stockType other);
    int operator >(stockType other);
    int operator <(stockType other);

    newString stockSymbol;
    double todayOpenPrice;
    double todayClosePrice;
    double todayHigh;
    double todayLow;
    double yesterdayClose;
    double percentChange;
    int noOfShares;

//default constructor
	stockSymbol = "***";
	todayOpenPrice = 0.00;
	todayClosePrice = 0.00;
	todayHigh = 0.00;
	todayLow = 0.00;
	yesterdayClose = 0.00;
	noOfShares = 0;

stockType::stockType(newString symbol, double openPrice,
              double closeProce, double high,
              double Low, double prevClose,
             int shares){
	setStockInfo(symbol, openPrice, closeProce, high, Low, prevClose, shares);


void setStockInfo(newString symbol, double openPrice,
                  double closeProce, double high,
                  double Low, double prevClose,
                  int shares){
	stockSymbol = symbol;
	todayOpenPrice = openPrice;
	todayClosePrice = closeProce;
	todayHigh = high;
	todayLow = low;
	yesterdayClose = prevClose;
	noOfShares = shares;

newString getSymbol(){

	return stockSymbol;

double getPercentChange(){

	percentChange = ((todayClosePrice - yesterdayClose) / yesterdayClose) * 100;
	return percentChange;


double getOpenPrice(){

	return todayOpenPrice;

double getClosePrice(){

	return todayClosePrice;
double getHighPrice(){

	return todayHigh;

double getLowPrice(){

	return todayLow;

double getPrevPrice(){

	return yesterdayClose;

int getnoOfShares(){

	return noOfShares;

//Overload the relational operators.
bool stockType::operator==(const newString& rightStr) const{

	return (strcmp(sortIndicesGainLoss, rightStr.sortIndicesGainLoss) == 0);

bool stockType::operator<(const newString& rightStr) const{

	return (strcmp(sortIndicesGainLoss, rightStr.sortIndicesGainLoss) < 0);

bool stockType::operator<=(const newString& rightStr) const{

	return (strcmp(sortIndicesGainLoss, rightStr.sortIndicesGainLoss) <= 0);

bool stockType::operator>(const newString& rightStr) const{

	return (strcmp(sortIndicesGainLoss, rightStr.sortIndicesGainLoss) > 0);

bool stockType::operator>=(const newString& rightStr) const{

	return (strcmp(sortIndicesGainLoss, rightStr.sortIndicesGainLoss) >= 0);

bool stockType::operator!=(const newString& rightStr) const{

	return (strcmp(sortIndicesGainLoss, rightStr.sortIndicesGainLoss) != 0);

//Overload the stream insertion operator <<
ostream& operator<< (ostream& osObject, const stockType& stock){

	osObject << stock.sortIndicesGainLoss;

	return osObject;

//Overload the stream extraction operator >>
ifstream& operator>> (ifstream& isObject, stockType& stock){

	char temp[81];

	isObject >> setw(81) >> temp;
	str = temp;
	return isObject;



#ifndef H_StockListType
#define H_StockListType
#include "listType.h"
#include "stockType.h"
class stockListType: public listType<stockType>
    void printBySymbol();
    void printByGain();
    void printReports();
    void sort();
    void sortByGain();

    stockListType(int size);

    int *sortIndicesGainLoss;

#ifndef H_listType
#define H_listType

#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;

template <class elemType>
class listType
    bool isEmpty() const;  
      //Function to determine whether the list is empty.
      //Postcondition: Returns true if the list is empty,
      //               otherwise it returns false.

    bool isFull() const;  
      //Function to determine whether the list is full.
      //Postcondition: Returns true if the list is full,
      //               otherwise it returns false.
    int getLength() const;
      //Function to return the number of elements in the list.
      //Postcondition: The value of length is returned.

    int getMaxSize() const;
      //Function to return the maximum number of elements 
      //that can be stored in the list.
      //Postcondition: The value of maxSize is returned.

    void sort();  
      //Function to sort the list.
      //Postcondition: The list elements are in ascending order.

    void print() const; 
      //Outputs the elements of the list.

    void insertAt(const elemType& item, int position);
      //Function to insert item in the list at the location
      //specified by position.
      //Postcondition: list[position] = item; length++;
      //               If position is out of range, the program
      //               is aborted.

    listType(int listSize=100);
      //Creates an array of the size specified by the
      //parameter listSize; the default array size is 50.
      //Postcondition: list contains the base address of the
      //               array; length = 0; maxsize = listSize;

    int maxSize;   //variable to store the maximum size 
                   //of the list
    int length;    //variable to store the number of elements
                   //in the list
    elemType *list; //pointer to the array that holds the
                    //list elements

template <class elemType>
bool listType<elemType>::isEmpty() const
    return (length == 0);

template <class elemType>
bool listType<elemType>::isFull() const
    return (length == maxSize);

template <class elemType>
int listType<elemType>::getLength() const
    return length;

template <class elemType>
int listType<elemType>::getMaxSize() const
    return maxSize;

    //Constructor; the default array size is 50
template <class elemType>
listType<elemType>::listType(string, double, double, double, double, double, int)
    maxSize = listSize;
    length = 0;
    list = new elemType[maxSize];

template <class elemType>
listType<elemType>::~listType()  //destructor
    delete [] list;

template <class elemType>
void listType<elemType>::sort()   //selection sort
    int i, j;
    int min;
    elemType temp;

    for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
        min = i;
        for (j = i + 1; j < length; ++j)
            if (list[j] < list[min])
                min = j;

        temp = list[i];
        list[i] = list[min];
        list[min] = temp;
    }//end for
}//end sort

template <class elemType>
void listType<elemType>::print() const
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
        cout << list[i] << " ";
    cout << endl;
}//end print

template <class elemType>
void listType<elemType>::insertAt(const elemType& item,
                                  int position)
    assert(position >= 0 && position < maxSize);
    list[position] = item;


Don't think i can help as this is more advanced than i can manage but i would recommend that you actually ask a question or state a problem giving details of what it is you need help with. (you may get more replies this way) Good luck.:)

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