heres the script basically it sets (supposed to) Local area connection ipv4 static ip address to 10.XX.XX.2 but it dosent work it works fine if you run cmd as addy and put the script in netsh interface ip set address "Local Area Connection" static 10.XX.XX.2
Dim txtlen As Integer = Len(TextBox2.Text)
Dim IPAddy As String = ""
Dim asciiSplit(4) As Char
asciiSplit = TextBox2.Text.ToCharArray
If txtlen = 1 Then IPAddy = "0." & asciiSplit(0).ToString
If txtlen = 2 Then IPAddy = "0." & asciiSplit(0).ToString & asciiSplit(1).ToString
If txtlen = 3 Then IPAddy = asciiSplit(0).ToString & "." & asciiSplit(1).ToString & asciiSplit(2).ToString
If txtlen = 4 Then IPAddy = asciiSplit(0).ToString & asciiSplit(1).ToString & "." & asciiSplit(2).ToString & asciiSplit(3).ToString
Shell("netsh interface ip set address" & Chr(34) & "Local Area Connection" & Chr(34) & "static 10." & IPAddy & ".4")
Process.Start("http:\\10." & IPAddy & ".2")
End Sub