write a program that will act as a single user's ATM machine.....the user will have the following menu options

1. deposit
2. withdrawal
3. view account balance
4. exit

constraints for validation

user can not deposit less tha zero dollars
user must withdraw in $10 increments
user can not withdraw more than $200 in single session (need to keep running total)
user is not allowed to withdraw enire balance (at least $25 should be left)

other requirments

program should contain welcome message and closing message when exiting
program should include comments at 1:3 comments to code ratio
withdraw , deposit, and view balance should be seperate modules

Please do your own work. We don't do your homework here. Start implementing what you have here, and if you have questions, come back.

See some object oriented books, I think ATM is standard example in one/some of them for use cases. Start simple, build function by function and test functionality of each separately.

these comments were not called for all i asked was to be directed in the right direction

You are welcome.

You are welcome.

you may consider yourself cool but you are far from a any kind of tech guru

is there any one out there that can take on this task

See some object oriented books, I think ATM is standard example in one/some of them for use cases. Start simple, build function by function and test functionality of each separately.

Here is direct link of one of the numerous case studies:

You must simplify significantly, of course as yours looks medium level exercise, but the case is for the real thing.

For starter you can deside your starting direction, start either from user interaction dummy without real functionality (or basic variable update) or the basic logic part. I usually prefer to implement the logic, reason is that I can put that in torture test with random number loop instead of user. This is much faster as proving by typing.

It is good to write down the constraint case tests and include them as one test function early on so you can run quick test after all changes to your program that you continue to fullfill the requirements.

Read each word in assignment carefully, as example:

act as a single user's ATM machine

This means you are not required to include password login routine etc. Probably you should be able to save state to file, but it can be fixed format file.

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