i need your help in creating a program that allows the user to enter a payroll code. The Program should search for the payroll code in the code in the file and then display the appropriate salary. If the code is not in the file, the program should display an appropriate message. Use a sentinel value to end the program.

if you can write the rest i would be greatly appreciated

here is what i have so far:

int main()
  int payroll, salary, cont=1;
  while (cont)
    getSalary(payroll, &salary);
    if (getUserReq())
  return 0;
brandonrunyon commented: no one here does work completion or finishes homework per the DW policies. Please ask an actual question next time -1

>>if you can write the rest i would be greatly appreciated

Please deposit $1,000,000.00 USD in my PayPal account and I'll be glad to write it for you :)

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