hii to all i am very new to c++ . i am learning c++ while i try to compile this program it give error as "pair as ambiguous symbol" error.

in this program iam trying to understand the how polymorphism works.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include "mouse.hpp"
using namespace std;

class pair
    pair(int xx=0, int yy=0);
    int x() const;
    int y() const;

    int x_value, y_value ;
class shape
    virtual void rotate(double);
    virtual double get_area() const;

pair get_position() const;
pair centre;
class circle : public shape
    void rotate(double) const
    double get_area() const
        return pi*rad*rad;
    static const double pi;
    double rad;
class rectangle : public shape
    double get_area() const
        return size.x()+size.y();
    pair size;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

    circle c;
    rectangle r;
    shape *ps=&c;
    cout<< ps->get_area();
return 0;

This is a case where using using namespace std; is destroying your program. The compiler doesn't know whether to use the pair class you wrote or the one in std namespace <utility> header file. Replace that with using std::cout; and that error will go away.

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