I cannot seem to correct the remaining errors in the code.

This is the header

#ifndef DECIMAL_H
#define DECIMAL_H

#include <iostream>

using std::ostream;
using std::istream;

// class Decimal definition
class Decimal
   friend istream operator>>( istream &, Decimal & );
   Decimal( double = 0.0 );

   void setInteger( double );
   void setDecimal( double );

   Decimal &operator=( const Decimal );
   Decimal operator+( Decimal );
   Decimal operator+=( Decimal );
   Decimal &operator++();
   Decimal operator++( int );
   bool operator==( const Decimal );
   friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &, const Decimal & );
   double integer;
   double decimal;
}; // end class Decimal

#endif // DECIMAL_H

Line 106 brings up an error

#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::cin;

#include <cmath>

#include "Decimal.h"

// constructor
Decimal::Decimal( double n )
   decimal = modf( n, &integer );
} // end class Decimal constructor

// function operator<< definition
 ostream & operator<<( ostream &output, const Decimal &d )
   double n = 0;

   n = floor( d.decimal * 100 );

   if ( n < 0 )
      n = 0 - floor( d.decimal * 100 );

   if ( d.decimal != 0 ) {
      output << floor( d.integer ) << ".";

      if ( n > 10 )
         output << n;
         output << "0" << n;
   } // end if 
      output << d.integer;

} // end function operator<<

// function operator>> definition
 istream operator>>( istream &input, Decimal &d )
   double n;

   cout << "Enter a number: ";
   input >> n;
  // decimal = modf( n, &integer );
   return input;

} // end function operator>>

// function operator= definition
Decimal &Decimal::operator=( const Decimal d )
   integer = d.integer;
   decimal = d.decimal;

   return *this;
} // end function operator=

// function setDecimal definition
void Decimal::setDecimal( double d ) 
   decimal = d;
} // end function setDecimal

// function setInteger definition
void Decimal::setInteger( double i ) 
   integer = i;
} // end function setInteger

// function operator+ definition
Decimal Decimal::operator+( Decimal d )
   Decimal result;

   result.setDecimal( decimal + d.decimal );
   result.setInteger( integer + d.integer );

   if ( result.decimal >= 1 )

   } // end if
   else if ( result.decimal <= -1 )
   } // end if

   return result;
} // end function operator+

// function operator+= definition
Decimal Decimal::operator+=( Decimal d ) 
   *this = *this += d;
   return *this;
} // end function operator+=

// function operator++ definition
Decimal &Decimal::operator++() 
   return integer;
} // end function operator++

// function operator++ definition
Decimal Decimal::operator++( int )
   Decimal temp = *this;

   return *this;
} // end function operator++

// function operator== definition
bool Decimal::operator==( const Decimal d )
   return ( integer == d.integer && decimal == d.decimal );
} // end function operator==

Line 30 keeps giving an error

#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::cin;

#include "Decimal.h"

int main()
   Decimal test1;  
   Decimal test2;
   Decimal test3( 1.234 );

   cout << "Initial values:\n"
        << test1 << endl << test2 << endl << test3 
        << endl << endl;

   cin >> test1 >> test2;

   cout << "The sum of test1 and test2 is: "
        << test1 + test2 << endl;
   test3 += test1++ + ++test2;
   cout << "\nfinal values:\n"
        << "test1 = " << test1 << endl
        << "test2 = " << test2 << endl
        << "test3 = " << test3 << endl;

   if ( test1 != test3 )
      cout << "test1 and test3 are not equal to each other\n";

   return 0;
} // end main

I only quickly looked at your code...I couldn't find a != operator for decimal.

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