Ok, so I'm making a program in c++ that keeps track of the number of objects you make for a specific class. It works, but I added a part to change the screen output at a specific number of objects and that's where it broke.... heres the program:

#include <iostream.h>

class Cat
          Cat(int age):itsAge(age){HowManyCats++; }
          virtual ~Cat() { HowManyCats--; }
          virtual int GetAge() { return itsAge; }
          virtual void SetAge(int age) { itsAge = age; }
          static int HowManyCats;

          int itsAge;

//static member data defined
int Cat::HowManyCats = 0;

int howManyCatsFunction()
     char phrase1;
     if(Cat::HowManyCats == 1)
          phrase1 = 'There is';
          phrase1 = 'There are';
     cout << phrase1
          << Cat::HowManyCats << " cats alive!"
          << endl;

int main()
     const int MaxCats = 5; int i;
     Cat *CatHouse[MaxCats];
     for (i = 0; i<MaxCats; i++)
          CatHouse[i] = new Cat(i);

     for (i = 0; i<MaxCats; i++)
          cout << "Deleting the one which is ";
          cout << CatHouse[i]->GetAge();
          cout << " years old\n";
          delete CatHouse[i];
          CatHouse[i] = 0;
    return 0;
int howManyCatsFunction()
     cout << "there " << (Cat::HowManyCats == 1 ? "is " : "are " )
          << Cat::HowManyCats << " cats alive!" << endl;

you also need to write a copy constructor which increments Cat::HowManyCats to get the right number always.

> phrase1 = 'There is';
This needs to be a std::string, not a single char.

Then you'll be able to write phrase1 = "There is"; // note double quotes "", not single '' > << (Cat::HowManyCats == 1 ? "is " : "are "
While this seems like a good idea, it really makes it much harder to translate into other natural languages, which do not have such simplistic rules for plurality.

> << (Cat::HowManyCats == 1 ? "is " : "are "
While this seems like a good idea, it really makes it much harder to translate into other natural languages, which do not have such simplistic rules for plurality.

true. and it does not resolve between " cats alive!" / " cat alive!". it is not all that simplistic even in english; a general solution is not an easy one (cat/cats, child/children etc.). perhaps the easy way out is something like
number of cats: 23 (or 0 or 1).

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>#include <iostream.h>

I presume you are following an old book/tutorial. hmm

Yeah, I'm following a tutorial. And thanks for the help guys.

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