Hi! I saw a post on this site that exhibited the same exact problem that I have for a homework assignment and while it was solved, my issue with the homework assignment is different. The C++ program that I wrote asked the user to input information but once you enter a number, everything in "" is posted on to the screen at one time. Below I will post the instructions for the homework assignment and, the program that I wrote, and I would really appreciate any help or advice that anyone is able to issue.Thank you.
The following table lists the freezing and boiling points of several substances. Write a program that asks the user to enter a temperature, and then shows all the substances that will freeze at that temperature and all that will boil at that temperature. For example, if the user enters -20 the program should report that water will freeze and oxygen will boil at that temperature.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
{int point; //Freezing and Boiling points
cout<<"Please enter a number for freezing and or boiling points(F):";
cout<<"Freezing Point (F)"<<endl;
if(point>=-173)cout<<"Ethyl alcohol will freeze"<<endl;
if(point>=-38)cout<<"Mercury will freeze"<<endl;
if(point>=-362)cout<<"Oxygen will freeze"<<endl;
if(point>=32)cout<<"Water will freeze"<<endl;
cout<<"\nBoiling Point (F)"<<endl;
if(point<=172)cout<<"Ethyl alcohol will boil"<<endl;
if(point<=676)cout<<"Mercury will boil"<<endl;
if(point<=-306)cout<<"Oxygen will boil"<<endl;
if(point<=212)cout<<"Water will boil"<<endl;
cout<<"How'd I'd do Rich?"<<endl<<endl<<"Program end";
return 0;