ok guys need some help, I'm sure the answer is simple but i'm making a program for an assignement that models points in a cartesian plane and prints them out this is what i have so far

in main

#include "point.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>   //for ifstream,ofstream
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdio.h>  // Need for getchar
using namespace std;

int main()

double a, b;
double x1,y1;
	point(); //  default contructor
	point (  a,  b); // contructor
	//points( const points &init):// copy constructor

	x1 = getX() const;
	y1 = getY() const;
	cout.setf (ios::showpoint );
	cout.setf( ios::fixed);
	cout << setprecision(2);

	char ch = getchar();
			return 0;

.H file

#ifndef POINTS_H
#define POINTS_H
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream> 

using namespace std;

class point
	double xval;
	double yval;

	double getX() const;
	double getY() const;
	point(); //  default contructor
	point ( double x, double y); // contructor
	//point( const point& temp);// copy constructor
	~point(); // destructor
	void setX(double x);
	void setY(double y);
	void setPoints( double x, double y);
	friend ostream &operator<<(ostream& outs, const point& P);
	friend istream &operator>>(istream& ins, point &P);
void tostring();


.cpp file

#include "point.h"		//obtain prototype definitions
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>  
#include <string>

using namespace std;

	double x = 0;
	double y = 0;
	cout << " calling default contructor" << endl;

point::point ( double x, double y)
	cout << "calling contructor" << endl;
	cout << "Calling Destructor" << endl;

double point::getX() 
	double x;

cout << " Enter point x: " << endl;
	cin >> x;
	return x;

double point::getY() 
double y;
cout << " Enter point y: " << endl;
	cin >> y;
	return y;

void point::setPoints( double x, double y)

void point::setX(double x)
void point::setY(double y)

any words of wisdom would be great

the error i keep getting is that getX and getY in main come up as identifier not found

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