I have a small dilema. I have 1 Picassa .ini file a contacts.xml file and
a few images all in the same folder.
On the images there are certian people, picassa.ini file holds the image name and
id's of people included on that image in such format:
and the contacts.xml holds names belonging to those id's in such format:
<contact id="709c4b6f3d8d1920" name="Nikolaj Zimic" display="Nikolaj" modified_time="2010-11-11T15:05:52+01:00" sync_enabled="1"/>
<contact id="8f757c1b974c6687" name="Joze Rugelj" display="Joze" modified_time="2010-11-11T15:05:21+01:00" sync_enabled="1"/>
Now what my program needs to do is first read the .ini file and take out face ID wich are: faces=rect64(acb64583d1eb84cb), >>>>2623af3d8cb8e040<<<<; number in ><. Then it needs to compare that number to an id in contacts.xml file and see what name belongs to that id lets say its Nikolaj well its gonna rename the image file to that name to the name of the person that on the image.