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I started with BASIC and worked up to Python, learning tons along the way.

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84 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Cort3z
Member Avatar for joehms22

Question: Does anyone have any recommendations that are likely to keep a large database healthy/speedy? I'm designing a database that is going to retrieve around thirty million data points a year, up to around three hundred million to a billion in a few years time when all of the sensors …

Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos
Member Avatar for warlord902

From my understanding MySQL locks a unit upon writing to ensure no reads happen during that: so writing blocks any reading you do. Depending on the storage engine you use ([more on that here]( it may only block a row; or the entire table; you should probably choose to do …

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for libathos

Try [JUG]( that seems to be the one that works best for me; most of them out there seem unmaintained though.

Member Avatar for libathos
Member Avatar for cassied

You might be able to use the Google Charts API... Other than that you could home-roll something with JQuery and/or HTML5 canvas elements. I'm sure there are a few people sitting around that would love to help as something like this is definitely needed out there (myself included)

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for PF2G

How are you storing the images in the database? If they are just under the subdir, this should work, but if they are something like Base64, you'll need to use the data: uri format. Try doing a source view on your page to see exactly what is being output by …

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for triumphost

A double takes up 64bits in memory (usually) you can find the specifics for your machine by using the sizeof() operator in C++. A float takes 32bits, again usually. Where an unsigned char has 8, meaning 256 values. If your round was above 255, it would cause your overflow. I …

Member Avatar for triumphost
Member Avatar for simplyflawless

[CODE] public class RectangleDemo { private class Rectangle { private double height; private double width; private String color; public Rectangle(double wid, double high){ height = high; width = wid; } public Rectangle(){ height = 1; width = 1; color = "White"; } public void setHeight(double high){ height = high; } …

Member Avatar for DanOath
Member Avatar for dgcs

Could you try giving us a little more information on the exact problem you're getting?

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for Zssffssz

In order to get things working, you're probably going to have to find a way to hook in to the kernel on all operating systems in order for it to believe you have an actual ramdisk device. (In UNIX stle systems, you may be able to just connect to a …

Member Avatar for Zssffssz
Member Avatar for .:n'tQ-boy:.

Its unlikely you'll really need to worry about file size when you're dealig with a small dictionary, as you can get about 250 printed pages in a single MB of text, so a small dictionary shouldn't be a huge problem. That being said, if you really want it to load …

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for cmpsHelp

Are you looking for databases that have been attacked? If so, you should get some attacks pretty quickly by just putting one up... Other than that, you might be able to get some information at [url][/url], they're pretty friendly towards researchers over there. - Joe

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for ret801

Hey, hope you still need this; I love seeing security stuff around: Joseph L. (if you need anything else and you can message me) 1. How important do you consider computer security? I am actually a security enthusiast, so information security is incredibly important, especially with so many institutions operating …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for straylight

I think you're looking for something like this: [CODE] def mathFunction(x): return (x-1)*(x-3)*(x-5)*(x-7) for x in range(0,8): print x, mathFunction(x) [/CODE] Ranges take in up to 3 arguments, start, stop, and step: i.e. range(3) returns 0,1,2 range(0,10) returns 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 range(0,10,2) returns 0,2,4,6,8 There were two things problematic with your math …

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for n3red

[URL=""]Regular expressions[/URL] are probably your best bet being that you can't use a config parser.

Member Avatar for wortelkoek
Member Avatar for zEuSsE

This is probably not possible using conventional assembly, being that any kernel will stop your software from just randomly reading files as a security feature. You might be able to achive it through kernel calls though (check your man pages) or this manual: [URL=""][/URL] Here is a book on assembly: …

Member Avatar for zEuSsE
Member Avatar for scott_liddle

Do you have a library that you're supposed to be using for the drawing? If not, you might want to look in to tk. [CODE]#!/usr/bin/env python from Tkinter import * tk = Tk() tk.wm_geometry("400x400") canvas = Canvas(tk, width=400, height=400) canvas.pack() canvas.create_line(0,0,400,400) canvas.create_line(400,0,0,400) tk.mainloop() [/CODE]

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for eman 22

You could look in to building some kind of new NoSQL implementation, or something highly scalable on such a system (think perhaps a p2p dns system), they are all the rage these days.

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for CrAzD

I'd probably use something like Twisted if you can afford the size (it is kind of large). If things are on one network, you could just use a multicast packet to update all clients, that would probably be the cheapest assuming your router will handle it. Other than that, you …

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for akshay.nikhare

It looks like f_path may be referencing the absoloute path to your images, rather than the path from the web root, so when the browser requests them you're getting the original absoloute path plus the web root, causing the images not to be found.

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for ana_eht

A bump might help here too. You might want to check out audiooop in Python: [url][/url] Other than that, you might be able to check out how it is done in some of the free speech recognition softwares, like sphinx. - Joe

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for runge_kutta

If you're in to math at all, I think Matplotlib is looking in to getting themselves working on Python3.

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for Matjame

Just a guess: you might want to try escaping the dashes in your original date (use %2D instead of -) Hope it helps, - Joe

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for Xytheron

The problem with your first code (using socket) is that the actual section doing the writing isn't doing any output as that part isn't in the while loop: [CODE] import socket host = '' port = 8080 c = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) c.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) c.bind((host, port)) c.listen(1) while 1: csock, …

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for joehms22

I've got some terminal session log files that I'd like to record in a video file, anyone know a good way to do this? Preferably it would be scriptable and not need X to be running so the server could do it automatically to these logs as they arrived. The …

Member Avatar for intelgy

It appears that you are using the same name for each textbox, typeTech? If so, only the last one on the page will be POSTed, try giving them different names, like 'deeptissue' then the POST value will be true or false, and you can test echo after a bunch of …

Member Avatar for HasNor
Member Avatar for Tcll

Python doesn't use a preprocessor, so you'll have to keep some kind of list to see what is defined in the current context, i.e. insert "BUG_XF_STALL" in to it when it is defined. Essentially, you'll need to write your own preprocessor. Then later on in your code you can use …

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for siva28

This site looks hand coded to me (from the weird looks of the source), so a good old text editor is all you need. You might be able to find some templates on-line though for free like at [URL=""]Open Source Web Design[/URL]. Flash would work, but remember that it won't …

Member Avatar for walid86
Member Avatar for pelin

If you provide the code you have for making the stick figure and buttons we should be able to figure out the best way for your program, otherwise we don't know what toolkit you're using (Tk, GTK, QT, WX, some derivative of pyGame). Perhaps you could hook an event to …

Member Avatar for pelin
Member Avatar for huntaz556

If you're in to games, you might want to try making Lingo, someone posted a problem they had in class about making the game and it looked fun enough that I might even try it (though I'm quite partial to the game). If you are looking to do something more …

Member Avatar for huntaz556

The End.