Please help! Im behind in my homework and dont really even understand it anyways. I cluelessly added the addCoin("...");
, which i believe is correct. but I dont know what to add to the return statement for public String toString( )
If you are willing to help, plz provide steps as to how yo figured out how to solve.
Below is the original problem and requirements:
- Implement a class Purse. A purse contains a collection of coins.
- For simplicity, we will only store the coin names in an ArrayList<String>.
- Supply a method void addCoin(String coinName)
- Add a method toString to the Purse class that prints the coins in the purse in the format
Use the following class in your solution:
import java.util.ArrayList;
A purse holds a collection of coins.
public class Purse
Constructs an empty purse.
public Purse()
coins = new ArrayList<String>();
Adds a coin to the purse.
@param coinName the coin to add
public void addCoin(String coinName)
. . .
Returns a string describing the object.
@return a string in the format "Purse[coinName1,coinName2,...]"
public String toString()
. . .
private ArrayList<String> coins;