Hi all,

I've been working on making a bounded priority queue implemented as an array of queues and I believe I have it at last -- except of course for this error that I don't understand...

I am getting an error about the queue array being declared without a type and I am not seeing what is wrong, since I am passing in a class Item into it as its type.

header file:
The error occurs at line 17 and says "error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'queue' with no type".

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "queue.h"

template <class Item, int priCap>
class pq
    pq(const pq& source);
    //member functions
    int size() const;
    bool isEmpty() const;
    void insert(const Item& it, int priority);
    Item extractMax();
    void operator=(const pq& source);
    queue<Item> qs[priCap];
    int count;//number of priority queues
    int highest;//holds the highest index

implementation file:

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "arrayofqueues.h"

using namespace std;

template<class Item, int priCap>
pq<Item, priCap>::pq(const pq<Item, priCap>& source)
    for(int i = 0; i < priCap; i++)
        qs[i]= source.qs[i];
        count = source.count;
        highest = source.highest;
}//end copy constructor

template <class Item, int priCap>
int pq<Item, priCap>::size() const
}//end size

template<class Item, int priCap>
bool pq<Item, priCap>::isEmpty() const
    return (count == 0);
}//end isEmpty

templace<class item, int priCap>
void pq<Item, priCap>::insert(const Item& newItem, int priority)
    if(priority > priCap)
        cout<<"Error. Priority is greater than max possible." << endl;
    }//end if

    if(highest < priority)
        highest = priority;
    }//end if
}//end insert

template<class Item, int priCap>
void pq<Item, priCap>::extractMax()
        cout << "Unable to get max. Priority queue is empty." << endl;
    }//end if

    Item result = qs[highest].dequeue();

    while(highest>0 && qs[highest].isEmpty())
    }//end while
    return result;

template<class Item, int priCap>
void pq<Item, priCap>::operator=(const pq<Item,priCap>& source)
    for(int i = 0; i < priCap; i++)
    count = source.count;
    max = source.max;
}//end operator overload

finally, here is the code for my queue class:

#include <cassert>
#include <new>
#include <cstddef>

using namespace std;

template <class T>
class CharQueue
       virtual bool isEmpty() const = 0;
       virtual void enqueue(const T & newItem) = 0;
       virtual void dequeue(void) = 0;  // dequeue an item and return its value
       virtual T getFront(void) const = 0;  // return the value of the first item in the queue (but do not dequeue it)

template <class T> class Queue : public CharQueue<T>
    struct qNode {
    T element;
    qNode *next;
    qNode *prev;
    };//end qNode
    qNode *front;
    qNode *back;
    qNode *head;


    Queue();//default constructor
    Queue(const Queue<T>& q);//copy constructor
    virtual ~Queue();//destructor

    virtual bool isEmpty() const;//checks to see if the queue is empty

    virtual void enqueue(const T & value);//places value at the back of the queue (prior to the head pointer in this case)

    virtual void dequeue();//removes the front value from the queue

    virtual T getFront() const;

    Queue operator = (const Queue & source);
    bool operator== (const Queue & source);

};//end Queue

template <class T> Queue<T>::Queue()
    head = NULL;

}//end default constructor

template <class T> Queue<T>::Queue(const Queue & aq)
        qNode *oldHead = aq.head;
        qNode *oldCurrent = aq.head;
        qNode *newHead = new qNode;//points to the head of the list
        qNode *newCurrent = newHead;
        newCurrent->element = oldCurrent->element;
        while(oldCurrent->next != oldHead) {
            oldCurrent = oldCurrent->next;
            newCurrent->next = new qNode;
            newCurrent->next->prev = newCurrent;
            newCurrent->element = oldCurrent->element;
        }//end while
        newCurrent->next = newHead;
    }//end if

}//end copy constructor

template <class T> Queue<T>::~Queue()
 }//end destructor

template <class T> bool Queue<T>::isEmpty() const
    return (head == NULL);
}//end isEmpty

template <class T> void Queue<T>::enqueue(const T& value)
        //make new node
        qNode *temp = new qNode;
        temp->element = value;

        //back = temp;
        if(isEmpty()) {
            //front = temp;
            head= temp;
            head->prev =head;
        }//end if

    }//end try
    catch (bad_alloc e)
        throw string("Memory cannot be allocated.");
    }//end catch

}//end enqueue

template <class T> void Queue<T>::dequeue()
        qNode *temp = head;
        if(head->next == head)
            head->prev->next = head->next;
            head->next->prev = head->prev;
            delete temp;
        }//end else
    }//end if
}//end dequeue

template <class T> T Queue<T>::getFront() const
        return head->element;
    }//end if
}//end getFront

template <class T> Queue<T> Queue<T>::operator = (const Queue & source)
    return Queue(source);
}//end operator overload

template <class T> bool Queue<T>::operator == (const Queue & source)
    if(head==NULL && source.head!=NULL)
        return false;
    }//end if
    qNode * newone = head;
    qNode * oldone = source.head;
    while(newone->next != head && oldone->next != source.head)
        if(newone->element != oldone->element)
            return false;
        }//end if
    }//end while
    return true;
}//end operator overload

//end q.h

If anybody has any input on this error, I would greatly appreciate it, I feel like it is something simple that I am missing, but I have no idea what, since all the correct files appear to be included. I'm sorry about having to post all this code, but I feel that the actual error is something small and obvious that I'm not catching. Thanks!

As of right now, C++ does not allow you to separate template header and its definition.
You need to put the template definition in the same file as the header.

Thanks! Sorry for the late reply. This is something that I have run into before and completely forgot about, since I am used to being able to put the header and implementation in separate files.

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