My code is not wroking to send out an email. I have 3 conditions that need to be met. managerEmailAddress and emailSentToManager only appear
in the DB once. completeDate is in another table and it can appear several times. So basically if all items are complete and an email has
not been sent out I would like an email to be send. I took out my connection string but really there is one in there. Any help, please?
string sqlString3 = "Select dbo.Requests.managerEmail, dbo.Requests.rAuid, dbo.Requests.emailSentToManager, dbo.RequestItems.completeDate from dbo.Requests join dbo.RequestItems on dbo.Requests.rAuid = dbo.RequestItems.request";
string connString3 = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[""].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection sqlConn3 = new SqlConnection(connString3);
SqlCommand sqlComm3 = new SqlCommand(sqlString3, sqlConn3);
SqlDataReader reader2 = sqlComm3.ExecuteReader();
while (reader2.Read())
string managerEmailAddress = (reader2["managerEmail"].ToString());
string completeDate = (reader2["completeDate"].ToString());
string request2 = reader2["rAuid"].ToString();
bool emailSentToManager = reader2.GetBoolean(reader2.GetOrdinal("emailSentToManager"));
string requestLink2 = "<html>http://ViewEmployeeDetail.aspx.aspx?request=" + request2 + "</html>";
//then loop if email is not null and emailSentToManager is not true and complete date is not null
if (managerEmailAddress != null && emailSentToManager != true && completeDate != null)
//then code to send the email
SendEmail(managerEmailAddress, "Click on the following link to the view credentials for your new user: " + requestLink2);
//then update database
string sqlString4 = "UPDATE Requests SET emailSentToManager= 1 where rAuid= " + request2;
string connString4 = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[""].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection sqlConn4 = new SqlConnection(connString4);
SqlCommand sqlComm4 = new SqlCommand(sqlString4, sqlConn4);