hi, i had posted before but decided to just give it a go on my own. now i am sort of in a similar spot with my code. i am modeling an oscillatory system by coupling spring-masses in a lattice formation. i would ideally like to have a second lattice formation made up from the equations of motion that illustrate the phases (hopefully in a polar type plot) of each of the masses; being in the same location as the mass it represents but in another array. i was wondering if anyone could give me a pointer or possibly direct me o similar code.

here are my iterations and my equations of motion:

def calcNewLocation(self, dt):
#Calculate the new location of the mass.

dv = self.F * dt / self.m
self.v += dv
self.sphere.pos += self.v * dt


def advance(self):
#Perform one Iteration of the system by advancing one timestep.

microstep = self.timestep / self.oversample

for i in range(self.oversample):
for spring in self.springs:
if spring.damping:

for mass in self.masses:
if not mass.fixed:
if self.viscosity:

for spring in self.springs:

and here is an example of code that i found that i would like to emulate in my phase array, but with each oscillator mass represented by a polar type plot:


from visual import *
import math

class planeWave:
def __init__(self,
fr = None,
r = vector(0,0,0),
C = 10,
omega = pi,
k = pi/4,
phi = 0,
graphLength = None,
nGraph = None,
graphRadius = None,
graphColor = color.white,
pointRadius = None,
pointColor = color.blue,
dt = 0.01,
f = 30):
self.fr = fr
self.r = vector(r)
self.C = C
self.omega = omega
self.k = k
self.phi = phi
self.graphLength = graphLength
if self.graphLength == None:
self.graphLength = 3.0*self.C
self.nGraph = nGraph
if self.nGraph == None:
self.nGraph = 100.0
self.graphRadius = graphRadius
if self.graphRadius == None:
self.graphRadius = self.C/50.0
self.graphColor = graphColor
self.pointRadius = pointRadius
if self.pointRadius == None:
self.pointRadius = 4.0*self.graphRadius
self.pointColor = pointColor
self.dt = dt
self.f = f
self.circleOrigin = self.r + vector(0, -2*self.C, 0)
self.pointRo = self.circleOrigin + vector(self.C, 0, 0)
self.graphOrigin = self.r

self.xAxis = cylinder(frame = self.fr,
pos = self.graphOrigin,
radius = self.graphRadius,
axis = vector(0,1,0),
length = self.graphLength,
color = color.white)

self.circle = ring(frame = self.fr,
pos = self.circleOrigin,
axis = vector(0,0,1),
radius = self.C + self.graphRadius/2.0,
thickness = self.graphRadius,
color = self.pointColor)

self.point = sphere(frame = self.fr,
pos = self.pointRo,
radius = self.pointRadius,
color = self.pointColor)

self.magnitude = cylinder(frame = self.fr,
pos = self.circleOrigin,
axis = self.point.pos-self.circleOrigin,
radius = self.graphRadius,
color = self.pointColor)

self.realPart = cylinder(frame = self.fr,
pos = self.circleOrigin,
axis = vector(self.point.pos.x, 0, 0),
radius = self.graphRadius,
color = self.graphColor)

self.y = arange(0,
self.graphLength \
+ self.graphLength/float(self.nGraph),

self.graph = curve(frame = self.fr,
x = self.graphOrigin.x + \
self.C*cos(self.k*self.y + self.phi),
y = self.graphOrigin.y + self.y,
radius = self.graphRadius,
color = self.graphColor)
self.n = 0

def step(self, dt = None):
if dt != None:
self.dt = dt
self.n = self.n + 1
t = self.n*self.dt
self.point.pos = self.circleOrigin \
+ vector(self.C*cos(-self.omega*t+self.phi),
self.C*sin(-self.omega*t+self.phi), 0)
self.magnitude.axis = self.point.pos - self.circleOrigin
self.realPart.axis = vector((self.point.pos.x \
- self.circleOrigin.x),
0, 0)

self.graph.x = self.graphOrigin.x \
+ self.C*cos(self.k*self.y-self.omega*t+self.phi)

class superposition:
def __init__(self,
fr = None,
graphRadius = None,
graphColor = color.white,
pointRadius = None,
pointColor = color.blue,
dt = None,
f = 30):
self.fr = fr
self.graphRadius = graphRadius
self.graphColor = graphColor
self.pointRadius = pointRadius
self.pointColor = pointColor
self.dt = dt
self.f = f
self.waves = []

def append(self,
wave = None):
if self.graphRadius == None and wave.graphRadius > self.graphRadius:
self.graphRadius = wave.graphRadius
if self.pointRadius == None and wave.pointRadius > self.pointRadius:
self.pointRadius = wave.pointRadius
if len(self.waves) == 1:
self.x = self.waves[0].graph.x*0.0
self.y = self.waves[0].y + self.waves[0].graphOrigin.y
self.graph = curve(frame = self.fr,
x = self.x,
y = self.y,
radius = self.graphRadius,
color = self.graphColor)
if self.dt == None:
for wave in self.waves:
if self.dt == None:
self.dt = wave.dt
if self.dt == None:
self.dt = 0.01

def step(self, dt=None):
if dt != None:
self.dt = dt
self.waves[0].step(dt = self.dt)
x = self.waves[0].graph.x
for wave in self.waves[1:]:
wave.step(dt = self.dt)
x = x + wave.graph.x - wave.graphOrigin.x
self.graph.x = x

if __name__ == '__main__':
H = 600 # Scene height [pixels]
W = 250 # Scene width [pixels]
scene.title = 'Plane Wave'
scene.height = H
scene.width = W
scene.autoscale = 0
scene.range = vector(35, 35, 35)

w = planeWave()
while 1:

i apologize for the lack of brevity

i just decided to create a google site and link to it

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