What is the code for converting from binary to decimal???????? :rolleyes:

Have you tried this code:

Dim strBinary As String = "11111111"
Dim intValue As Integer
Dim iPos As Integer
Dim iVal As Integer

For iPos = 0 To strBinary.Length - 1
       iVal = strBinary.Substring(strBinary.Length - iPos - 1, 1)
       intValue = intValue + iVal * 2 ^ iPos

You can get more info at http://www.experts-exchange.com/Programming/Programming_Languages/Dot_Net/VB_DOT_NET/Q_21259781.html

:mrgreen: For more help, www.NeedProgrammingHelp.com

Thx for replying me, i will try this code now

It worked , thaaanks alot :cheesy:

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