Morning all,

I have some code which says
if a text box is empty show a msgbox asking user to input data into this textfield.

i then want only an O.K button to show on the msgbox but then no to continue with the sub.

If Me.txtLine2Rcon.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Please insert a running condition for Line 2 before you add it to the database", vbOKOnly)

        Dim NewLongDesc As String
        Dim RConv As String
        Dim StkCodeV As String

        RConv = Me.txtLine2Rcon.Text
        NewLongDesc = Me.txtLongDesc.Text
        StkCodeV = Me.txtStockCode.Text

        Dim con As New SqlConnection
        Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
            con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=;Initial Catalog=RConditions;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=mbish;Password=mbish"
            cmd.Connection = con
            cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO LN2(Stkcode, LongDesc,RCon) VALUES(@p1,@p2,@p3)"
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p1", StkCodeV)
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p2", NewLongDesc)
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p3", RConv)
        Catch ex As Exception
            MessageBox.Show("Error while inserting record on table..." & ex.Message, "Insert Records")
        End Try

        MsgBox("Record Added")
        Me.line2add.Enabled = False
        If Me.txtLine2Rcon.Text = "" Then Line2V = True
        Me.line2add.BackColor = Color.Red

at the moment when there is no data in the txtbox you get the msgbox but then it runs theough all the code

If Me.txtLine2Rcon.Text = "" Then
 MsgBox("Please insert a running condition for Line 2 before you add it to the database", vbOKOnly)
end if
Dim NewLongDesc As String

when using the above, i get an error end if must be matched with if

commented: don't you know the basic IF ...END IF syntax ? -3

yeah coz you are not copying my code. guess u still keep the " If Me.txtLine2Rcon.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Please insert a running condition for Line 2 before you add it to the database", vbOKOnly)
in one line....

copy it as i wrote it and it will work.


You can try something like this:

If Me.txtLine2Rcon.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Please insert a running condition for Line 2 before you add it to the database", vbOKOnly)
        End Sub
        Dim NewLongDesc As String
        Dim RConv As String
        Dim StkCodeV As String
        ' rest of your code
if me.textbox.text.length = 0 then
msgbox("BAD", vbokonly)
exit sub
end if

i dont know if it matters in, but i know in vb6 if you used len() or lenb() to determine if a string was empty, it was a lot faster then testing it against = ""

not sure if it still is efficient, but its a habbit that i picked up and carried over to the .net framework

If Me.txtLine2Rcon.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Please insert a running condition for Line 2 before you add it to the database", vbOKOnly)
exit sub 'this is to leave the sub procedure and prevent further code execution

oops, wrong thread

Syntax: MsgBox("Msg",MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly,"Msg Title")
now need to do at your own.

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