Im trying to do employee database using vb6.0, problem is that, is it possible that after clicking a command button this will call a PDF file...

the Scenario is this:
[command button]

[after pressing this will call/fetch the specific job description of the employee and display it]

to start with here's the code:

If IsNull(rs(6)) Then
MsgBox ("No Job Description Entered")
fname = rs(6)
MsgBox (fname)
End If
End Sub

Note: the PDF file is a hyperlink to MS Access ...


Do you want to add the job description to a .pdf form, in other words, get the job description, open a pdf document and show the description in there?

yes, thats my point.. can u help me... thanks in advance...

Set a reference to Adobe Type Libraries. In a CLASS Module! -

Option Explicit

Private Const mjwPDF = "1.3"
Private Const mjwPDFVersion = "mjwPDF 1.0"

Private wsPathConfig As String
Private wsPathAdobe  As String

Private Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hdc As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function PostMessage Lib "user32" _
    Alias "PostMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long

Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" _
    Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal szClass$, ByVal szTitle$) As Long
    Private Const WM_CLOSE = &H10

Private Declare Function PDFReadFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "ReadFile" _
        (ByVal hFile As Long, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToRead As Long, lpNumberOfBytesRead As Long, ByVal lpOverlapped As Any) As Long

Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

Private Declare Function PDFCreateFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileA" _
        (ByVal lpFileName As String, ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal dwShareMode As Long, _
         ByVal lpSecurityAttributes As Long, ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Long, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, ByVal hTemplateFile As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function PDFGetFileSize Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetFileSize" _
        (ByVal hFile As Long, lpFileSizeHigh As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function PDFCloseHandle Lib "kernel32" Alias "CloseHandle" _
        (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long

Private Type oOutlines
    sText      As String
    iLevel     As Integer
    yPos       As Double
    iPageNb    As Integer
    bPrev      As Boolean
    bNext      As Boolean
    bFirst     As Boolean
    bLast      As Boolean
    iFirst     As Integer
    iNext      As Integer
    iPrev      As Integer
    iLast      As Integer
    iParent    As Integer
End Type

Private aOutlines()         As oOutlines
Private iOutlines           As Integer
Private aPage()             As Variant

Private Type PDFRGB
    in_r       As Integer
    in_g       As Integer
    in_b       As Integer
End Type

Private Fso                 As Object
Private Strm                As Object
Private sPDFName            As String

Private Arr_Font()          As Variant

Private in_offset           As Integer
Private in_FontNum          As Integer
Private in_PagesNum         As Integer
Private in_Ech              As Double
Private in_Canvas           As Integer
Private iWidthStr           As Double

Private in_xCurrent         As Double
Private in_yCurrent         As Double

Private ImgWidth            As Double
Private ImgHeight           As Double

Private xlink               As Double
Private yLink               As Double
Private strTLink            As String
Private strTyLink           As String
Private wRect               As Long

Private str_TmpFont         As String

Private PDFTextColor        As String
Private PDFLineColor        As String
Private PDFDrawColor        As String

Private PDFstrTextColor     As String
Private PDFstrLineColor     As String
Private PDFstrDrawColor     As String
Private PDFstrTempColor     As String
Private PDFstrTempAlign     As String
Private PDFstrTempBorder    As String
Private pTempAngle          As Double
Private PDFboTempFill       As Boolean

Private bPageBreak          As Boolean

Private PDFLnStyle          As String
Private PDFLnWidth          As Double

Private PDFDrawMode         As String

Private PDFZoomMode
Private PDFLayoutMode
Private PDFViewerPref
Private bPDFViewerPref      As Boolean
Private bPDFWatermark        As Boolean
Private sPDFWatermark        As String

Private PDFAngle            As Double
Private bAngle              As Double

Private PDFFontName         As String
Private PDFFontSize         As Integer
Private PDFFontNum          As Integer

Private boPDFUnderline      As Boolean
Private boPDFItalic         As Boolean
Private boPDFBold           As Boolean
Private boPDFConfirm        As Boolean
Private boPDFView           As Boolean
Private PDFboThumbs         As Boolean
Private PDFboOutlines       As Boolean
Private PDFboImage          As Boolean

Private PDFlMargin          As Integer ' Left Margin
Private PDFtMargin          As Integer ' Top Margin
Private PDFrMargin          As Integer ' Right Margin
Private PDFbMargin          As Integer ' Bottom Margin
Private PDFcMargin          As Integer ' Center Margin
Private PDFMargin           As Integer

Private FFileName           As String
Private FTitle              As String
Private FPageNumber         As Integer
Private FPageLink           As Integer

Private FOrientation        As String
Private FAuthor             As String
Private FCreator            As String
Private FKeywords           As String
Private FSubject            As String
Private FProducer           As String
Private FFileCompress       As Boolean

Private ParentNum, ContentNum, ResourceNum, FontNum, CatalogNum, _
        FontNumber, CurrentPDFSetPageObject, NumberofImages, iOutlineRoot As Integer

Private PDFCanvasWidth()
Private PDFCanvasHeight()
Private PDFCanvasOrientation()

Private CurrentObjectNum    As Integer
Private ObjectOffset        As Long
Private ObjectOffsetList    As Variant
Private PageNumberList      As Variant
Private PageLinksList(1 To 1000, 1 To 1000) As Variant
Private LinksList           As Variant
Private PageCanvasWidth     As Variant
Private PageCanvasHeight    As Variant
Private FontNumberList      As Variant

Private Type aIMG
    in_1    As Variant
    in_2    As Variant
    in_3    As Variant
    in_4    As Variant
    in_5    As Variant
    in_6    As Variant
    in_7    As Variant
    in_8    As Variant
End Type

Private ArrIMG()            As aIMG

Private boPageLinksList     As Variant
Private NbPageLinksList     As Variant

Private CRCounter           As Long

Private ColorSpace          As String
Private ColorCount          As Byte
Private ImageStream         As String
Private TempStream          As String
Private pTempStream         As String
Private sTempStream         As String
Private cTempStream         As String
Private dTempStream         As String

Private StreamSize1, StreamSize2 As Integer

Private bScanAdobe          As Boolean

Enum PDFStyleLgn
    pPDF_SOLID = 0
    pPDF_DASH = 1
    pPDF_DASHDOT = 2
End Enum

Enum PDFFontStl
    FONT_BOLD = 2
End Enum

Enum PDFFontNme
    FONT_ARIAL = 0
    FONT_TIMES = 2
End Enum

Enum PDFZoomMd
    ZOOM_REAL = 2
End Enum
Enum PDFLayoutMd
    LAYOUT_TWO = 2
End Enum
Enum PDFUnitStr
    UNIT_PT = 0
    UNIT_MM = 1
    UNIT_CM = 2
End Enum

Enum PDFOrientationStr
End Enum
Enum PDFFormatPgStr
    FORMAT_A4 = 0
    FORMAT_A3 = 1
    FORMAT_A5 = 2
End Enum

Enum PDFDrawMd
    DRAW_DRAW = 1
End Enum

Enum PDFAlignValue
    ALIGN_LEFT = 1
End Enum

Enum PDFBorderValue
    BORDER_ALL = 1
    BORDER_TOP = 2
End Enum

Enum PDFViewerCst
End Enum
Property Let PDFPathConfiguration(sPathConfig As String)

    wsPathConfig = sPathConfig

End Property
Property Let PDFSetViewerPreferences(pViewerPref As PDFViewerCst)

    bPDFViewerPref = True
    PDFViewerPref = pViewerPref
End Property
Property Let PDFWatermark(sWatermark As String)

    bPDFWatermark = True
    sPDFWatermark = sWatermark

End Property
Private Sub PDFRotationText(x As Double, y As Double, sText As String, pAngle As Integer)

    PDFSetRotation = pAngle
        PDFTextOut sText, x, y
    PDFSetRotation = 0

End Sub
Private Sub PDFHeader()

Dim dH As Double
Dim dL As Double

    If bPDFWatermark Then
        PDFSetFont FONT_ARIAL, 50, FONT_BOLD
        PDFSetTextColor = Array(255, 192, 203)
        dH = (PDFGetPageHeight + PDFGetStringWidth(sPDFWatermark, "", 50) * Sin(45)) / 2.15
        dL = (PDFGetPageWidth - PDFGetStringWidth(sPDFWatermark, "", 50) * Cos(45)) / 2.75
        PDFRotationText dL, dH, sPDFWatermark, 45
    End If
End Sub
Property Let PDFSetZoomMode(pZoomMode As PDFZoomMd)

    If pZoomMode = ZOOM_FULLPAGE Or pZoomMode = ZOOM_FULLWIDTH Or _
        pZoomMode = ZOOM_REAL Or pZoomMode = ZOOM_DEFAULT Or _
        (IsNumeric(pZoomMode) And (pZoomMode <> ZOOM_FULLPAGE Or _
                                    pZoomMode <> ZOOM_FULLWIDTH Or _
                                    pZoomMode <> ZOOM_REAL Or _
                                    pZoomMode <> ZOOM_DEFAULT)) Then
            If IsNumeric(pZoomMode) Then
                PDFZoomMode = Int(pZoomMode)
                PDFZoomMode = pZoomMode
            End If
        MsgBox "Incorrect Zoom Mode : " & pZoomMode & "." & _
                   vbNewLine & _
                   "Focus will be set to full-page zoom", vbCritical, "Zoom Mode - " & mjwPDFVersion
        PDFZoomMode = ZOOM_FULLPAGE
    End If

End Property
Property Get PDFGetZoomMode() As Variant

    PDFGetZoomMode = PDFZoomMode

End Property
Property Let PDFUseThumbs(boThumbs As Boolean)

    PDFboThumbs = boThumbs

End Property
Property Let PDFUseOutlines(boOutlines As Boolean)

    PDFboOutlines = boOutlines

End Property
Property Let PDFSetLayoutMode(pLayoutMode As PDFLayoutMd)
    If pLayoutMode = LAYOUT_SINGLE Or pLayoutMode = LAYOUT_CONTINOUS Or _
        pLayoutMode = LAYOUT_TWO Or pLayoutMode = LAYOUT_DEFAULT Then
            PDFLayoutMode = pLayoutMode
        MsgBox "Layout incorrect : " & pLayoutMode & "." & _
                   vbNewLine & _
                   "Layout will be set to simple single page.", vbCritical, "Layout Mode - " & mjwPDFVersion
        PDFLayoutMode = LAYOUT_SINGLE
    End If

End Property
Property Get PDFGetLayoutMode() As Variant

    PDFGetLayoutMode = PDFLayoutMode

End Property
Property Let PDFSetUnit(str_Unite As PDFUnitStr)

    Select Case str_Unite
        Case UNIT_PT
            in_Ech = 1
        Case UNIT_MM
            in_Ech = 72 / 25.4
        Case UNIT_CM
            in_Ech = 72 / 2.54
        Case Else
            MsgBox "Incorrect Unit of Measure : " & str_Unite & "." & _
                   vbNewLine & _
                   "Using centimeter ", vbCritical, "Error in measurement unit - " & mjwPDFVersion
            in_Ech = 72 / 2.54
    End Select

End Property
Property Get PDFGetUnit() As String

    Select Case in_Ech
        Case 1
            PDFGetUnit = "pt"
        Case 72 / 25.4
            PDFGetUnit = "mm"
        Case 72 / 2.54
            PDFGetUnit = "cm"
    End Select

End Property
Property Let PDFOrientation(str_Orientation As PDFOrientationStr)

Dim tmp_PDFCanvasWidth As Integer
Dim tmp_PDFCanvasHeight As Integer
Dim strMessage As String

    ReDim Preserve PDFCanvasWidth(1 To in_Canvas)
    ReDim Preserve PDFCanvasHeight(1 To in_Canvas)
    ReDim Preserve PDFCanvasOrientation(1 To in_Canvas)

    tmp_PDFCanvasWidth = PDFCanvasWidth(in_Canvas)
    tmp_PDFCanvasHeight = PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas)

    Select Case str_Orientation
            PDFCanvasWidth(in_Canvas) = tmp_PDFCanvasWidth
            PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) = tmp_PDFCanvasHeight
            PDFCanvasOrientation(in_Canvas) = "p"
            PDFCanvasWidth(in_Canvas) = tmp_PDFCanvasHeight
            PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) = tmp_PDFCanvasWidth
            PDFCanvasOrientation(in_Canvas) = "l"
        Case Else
            strMessage = MsgOkOnly("Incorrect Orientation. " & str_Orientation & ". Orientation will now be set to portrait.", "Invalid Orientation - " & mjwPDFVersion, "Ok, Reset orientation", "")

            PDFCanvasWidth(in_Canvas) = tmp_PDFCanvasWidth
            PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) = tmp_PDFCanvasHeight
            PDFCanvasOrientation(in_Canvas) = "p"
    End Select

    ReDim Preserve PDFCanvasWidth(1 To in_Canvas)
    ReDim Preserve PDFCanvasHeight(1 To in_Canvas)
    ReDim Preserve PDFCanvasOrientation(1 To in_Canvas)
End Property

Property Let PDFFormatPage(str_FormatPage As Variant)

    ReDim Preserve PDFCanvasWidth(1 To in_Canvas)
    ReDim Preserve PDFCanvasHeight(1 To in_Canvas)
    ReDim Preserve PDFCanvasOrientation(1 To in_Canvas)

    Select Case TypeName(str_FormatPage)
        Case "Long"
            Select Case str_FormatPage
                Case FORMAT_A4
                    PDFCanvasWidth(in_Canvas) = 595.28
                    PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) = 841.89
                Case FORMAT_A3
                    PDFCanvasWidth(in_Canvas) = 841.89
                    PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) = 1190.55
                Case FORMAT_A5
                    PDFCanvasWidth(in_Canvas) = 420.94
                    PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) = 595.28
                Case FORMAT_LETTER
                    PDFCanvasWidth(in_Canvas) = 612
                    PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) = 792
                Case FORMAT_LEGAL
                    PDFCanvasWidth(in_Canvas) = 612
                    PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) = 1008
                Case Else
                    MsgBox "Format page set incorrectly : " & str_FormatPage & "." & _
                           vbNewLine & _
                           "Format page set to A4.", vbCritical, "Format Page - " & mjwPDFVersion
                    PDFCanvasWidth(in_Canvas) = 595.28
                    PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) = 841.89
            End Select
        Case "Double()"
            PDFCanvasWidth(in_Canvas) = str_FormatPage(0)
            PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) = str_FormatPage(1)
        Case Else
            MsgBox "Format page set incorrectly : " & str_FormatPage & "." & _
                   vbNewLine & _
                   "Format page set to A4", vbCritical, "Format Page - " & mjwPDFVersion
            PDFCanvasWidth(in_Canvas) = 595.28
            PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) = 841.89
    End Select

End Property
Property Get PDFPageNumber() As Integer

    PDFPageNumber = FPageNumber

End Property
Property Get PDFNbPage() As Integer

    PDFNbPage = UBound(PageNumberList)

End Property
Property Let PDFProducer(str_Producer As String)

    FProducer = str_Producer

End Property
Property Let PDFSubject(str_Subject As String)

    FSubject = str_Subject

End Property
Property Let PDFKeywords(str_Keywords As String)

    FKeywords = str_Keywords

End Property
Property Let PDFCreator(str_Creator As String)

    FCreator = str_Creator

End Property
Property Let PDFAuthor(str_Author As String)

    FAuthor = str_Author

End Property
Property Let PDFTitle(str_Title As String)

    FTitle = str_Title

End Property
Property Let PDFFileName(str_FileName As String)

Dim Items()     As String
Dim sFilePath   As String
Dim sFileName   As String
Dim hWnd        As Long
Dim retval      As Long
Dim in_i        As Long

    On Error GoTo Err_File
    FFileName = str_FileName
    Items = Split(str_FileName, "\")
    If UBound(Items) = -1 Then Exit Property
    sFileName = Items(UBound(Items))
    sFilePath = Left(str_FileName, Len(str_FileName) - Len(Items(UBound(Items))))
    sPDFName = Fso.BuildPath(sFilePath, sFileName)
    Set Strm = Fso.CreateTextFile(sPDFName, True)
    Exit Property
    If Err = 70 Then
        hWnd = FindWindow(vbNullString, "Adobe Reader - [" & sFileName & "]")
        retval = PostMessage(hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0&, 0&)
        Sleep 17

        Set Strm = Fso.CreateTextFile(sPDFName, True)
        Resume Next
    End If
End Property
Property Get PDFGetFileName() As String

    PDFGetFileName = FFileName
End Property
Property Let PDFConfirm(boConfirm As Boolean)

    boPDFConfirm = boConfirm

End Property
Property Let PDFView(boView As Boolean)

    boPDFView = boView
End Property
Property Let PDFPageHeight(in_PageHeight As Double)

    PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) = in_PageHeight

End Property
Property Get PDFGetPageHeight() As Double

    PDFGetPageHeight = PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas)

End Property
Property Let PDFPageWidth(in_PageWidth As Double)

    PDFCanvasWidth(in_Canvas) = in_PageWidth

End Property
Property Get PDFGetPageWidth() As Double

    PDFGetPageWidth = PDFCanvasWidth(in_Canvas)

End Property
Property Let PDFSetLeftMargin(in_left As Double)

    PDFlMargin = in_left

End Property
Property Get PDFGetLeftMargin() As Double

    PDFGetLeftMargin = PDFlMargin

End Property
Property Let PDFSetRightMargin(in_right As Double)

    PDFrMargin = in_right

End Property
Property Get PDFGetRightMargin() As Double

    PDFGetRightMargin = PDFrMargin

End Property
Property Let PDFSetTopMargin(in_top As Double)

    PDFtMargin = in_top

End Property
Property Get PDFGetTopMargin() As Double

    PDFGetTopMargin = PDFtMargin

End Property
Property Let PDFSetBottomMargin(in_bottom As Double)

    PDFbMargin = in_bottom

End Property
Property Get PDFGetBottomMargin() As Double

    PDFGetBottomMargin = PDFbMargin

End Property
Property Let PDFSetCellMargin(in_cell As Double)

    PDFcMargin = in_cell

End Property
Property Get PDFGetCellMargin() As Double

    PDFGetCellMargin = PDFcMargin

End Property
Public Sub PDFSetMargins(in_left As Integer, in_top As Integer, Optional in_right As Integer = -1, Optional in_bottom As Integer = -1)

    PDFlMargin = in_left
    PDFtMargin = in_top

    If in_right = -1 Then in_right = in_left
    If in_bottom = -1 Then in_bottom = in_top

    PDFrMargin = in_right
    PDFbMargin = in_bottom

End Sub
Property Get PDFGetX() As Integer

    PDFGetX = in_xCurrent

End Property
Property Get PDFGetY() As Integer

    PDFGetY = in_yCurrent

End Property
Property Let PDFSetLineStyle(pLineStyle As PDFStyleLgn)

    PDFLnStyle = PDFLineStyle(pLineStyle)

End Property
Property Let PDFSetLineWidth(pLineWidth As Double)

    PDFLnWidth = pLineWidth
End Property
Property Let PDFSetDrawMode(pDrawMode As PDFDrawMd)

Dim pTmpDrawMode As String

    pTmpDrawMode = LCase(pDrawMode)

    Select Case pTmpDrawMode
        Case DRAW_NORMAL
            PDFDrawMode = ""
        Case DRAW_DRAW
            PDFDrawMode = "D"
            PDFDrawMode = "DB"
        Case Else
            MsgBox "Draw Mode set incorrectly : " & pDrawMode & "." & _
                    vbNewLine & _
                    "Draw mode set to normal", vbCritical, "Object Rectangle - " & mjwPDFVersion
            PDFDrawMode = ""
    End Select

End Property
Private Function PDFLineStyle(pLineStyle As PDFStyleLgn) As String

Dim pTmpLineStyle As PDFStyleLgn

    PDFLineStyle = ""
    pTmpLineStyle = pLineStyle

    Select Case pTmpLineStyle
        Case pPDF_SOLID
            PDFLineStyle = "[] 0 d"
        Case pPDF_DASH
            PDFLineStyle = "[" & Int(16 * in_Ech) & " " & Int(8 * in_Ech) & " ] 0 d"
        Case pPDF_DASHDOT
            PDFLineStyle = "[" & Int(8 * in_Ech) & " " & Int(7 * in_Ech) & " " & _
                               Int(2 * in_Ech) & " " & Int(7 * in_Ech) & " ] 0 d"
        Case pPDF_DASHDOTDOT
            PDFLineStyle = "[" & Int(8 * in_Ech) & " " & Int(4 * in_Ech) & " " & _
                               Int(2 * in_Ech) & " " & Int(4 * in_Ech) & " " & _
                               Int(2 * in_Ech) & " " & Int(4 * in_Ech) & " ] 0 d"
        Case Else
            MsgBox "Line style set incorrectly : " & pLineStyle & "." & _
                   vbNewLine & _
                   "Line style set to solid.", vbCritical, "Line Style - " & mjwPDFVersion
            PDFLineStyle = "[] 0 d"
    End Select

End Function
Public Sub PDFSetFont(str_Fontname As PDFFontNme, in_FontSize As Integer, Optional str_Style As PDFFontStl)

Dim str_TmpFontName As String
Dim str_TmpFontNm   As String

    If str_Fontname <> FONT_ARIAL And _
       str_Fontname <> FONT_COURIER And _
       str_Fontname <> FONT_SYMBOL And _
       str_Fontname <> FONT_TIMES And _
       str_Fontname <> FONT_ZAPFDINGBATS Then
        MsgBox "Font name set incorrectly : " & str_Style & "." & _
                vbNewLine & _
                "Font set to Times New Roman.", vbCritical, "Font name - " & mjwPDFVersion
        str_TmpFontName = "TimesRoman"
        boPDFItalic = False
        boPDFBold = False
        PDFFontName = str_TmpFontName
        PDFFontNum = FontNum
        PDFFontSize = in_FontSize

        FontNum = FontNum + 1
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Select Case str_Fontname
        Case FONT_ARIAL
           str_TmpFontNm = "Arial"
        Case FONT_COURIER
            str_TmpFontNm = "Courier"
        Case FONT_TIMES
            str_TmpFontNm = "Times"
        Case FONT_SYMBOL
            str_TmpFontNm = "Symbol"
            str_TmpFontNm = "ZapfDingbats"
    End Select

    If str_TmpFontNm = "Arial" Then
        str_TmpFontName = "Helvetica"
        str_TmpFontName = str_TmpFontNm
    End If

    boPDFItalic = False
    boPDFBold = False

    str_TmpFont = str_TmpFontName
    If InStr(1, str_Style, FONT_ITALIC) <> 0 Then boPDFItalic = True
    If InStr(1, str_Style, FONT_BOLD) <> 0 Then boPDFBold = True
    If InStr(1, str_Style, FONT_UNDERLINE) <> 0 Then boPDFUnderline = True
    If boPDFItalic = True And boPDFBold = False Then
        Select Case str_TmpFontName
            Case "Times"
                str_TmpFontName = "TimesItalic"
            Case Else
                str_TmpFontName = str_TmpFontName & "-Oblique"
        End Select
    End If

    If boPDFItalic = True And boPDFBold = True Then
        Select Case str_TmpFontName
            Case "Times"
                str_TmpFontName = str_TmpFontName & "-BoldItalic"
            Case Else
                str_TmpFontName = str_TmpFontName & "-BoldOblique"
        End Select
    End If

    If boPDFItalic = False And boPDFBold = True Then
        str_TmpFontName = str_TmpFontName & "-Bold"
    End If
    If boPDFItalic = False And boPDFBold = False Then
        Select Case str_TmpFontName
            Case "Times"
                str_TmpFontName = str_TmpFontName & "-Roman"
            Case Else
                str_TmpFontName = str_TmpFontName
        End Select
    End If

    PDFFontName = str_TmpFontName
    PDFFontNum = FontNum
    PDFFontSize = in_FontSize

    FontNum = FontNum + 1

End Sub
Public Sub PDFDrawEllipse(x As Double, y As Double, rx As Double, Optional ry As Double = 0, Optional URLLink As String = "")

Dim sTempDrawMode As String

    If ry = 0 Then ry = rx
    Select Case PDFDrawMode
        Case "D"
            PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFDrawColor
            sTempDrawMode = "h f"
        Case "DB"
            PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFDrawColor
            PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFLineColor
            sTempDrawMode = "B"
        Case ""
            PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFLineColor
            sTempDrawMode = "s"
    End Select

    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFLnStyle
        PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble(x * in_Ech) & " " & PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - (y + ry / 2) * in_Ech) & " m"
            PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFCurve(x * in_Ech, _
                PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - (y + ry / 2 - ry / 2 * 11 / 20) * in_Ech, _
                (x + rx / 2 - rx / 2 * 11 / 20) * in_Ech, _
                PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - y * in_Ech, _
                (x + rx / 2) * in_Ech, _
                PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - y * in_Ech)
            PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFCurve((x + rx / 2 + rx / 2 * 11 / 20) * in_Ech, _
                PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - y * in_Ech, _
                (x + rx) * in_Ech, _
                PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - (y + ry / 2 - ry / 2 * 11 / 20) * in_Ech, _
                (x + rx) * in_Ech, _
                PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - (y + ry / 2) * in_Ech)
            PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFCurve((x + rx) * in_Ech, _
                PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - (y + ry / 2 + ry / 2 * 11 / 20) * in_Ech, _
                (x + rx / 2 + rx / 2 * 11 / 20) * in_Ech, _
                PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - (y + ry) * in_Ech, _
                (x + rx / 2) * in_Ech, _
                PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - (y + ry) * in_Ech)
            PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFCurve((x + rx / 2 - rx / 2 * 11 / 20) * in_Ech, _
                PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - (y + ry) * in_Ech, _
                x * in_Ech, _
                PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - (y + ry / 2 + ry / 2 * 11 / 20) * in_Ech, _
                x * in_Ech, _
                PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - (y + ry / 2) * in_Ech)
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble(PDFLnWidth * in_Ech) & " w " & sTempDrawMode

    PDFSetTextColor = vbWhite
    strTLink = "LINK"
    strTyLink = "ELLIPSE"
    PDFSetLink URLLink, "ELLIPSE", Int((x - rx / 2)), Int((y + ry / 2 - ry / 2 * 11 / 20))
    strTyLink = ""
    in_xCurrent = x
    in_yCurrent = y + ry / 2

End Sub
Private Function PDFCurve(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 As Double) As String

  PDFCurve = PDFFormatDouble(x1) & " " & _
             PDFFormatDouble(y1) & " " & _
             PDFFormatDouble(x2) & " " & _
             PDFFormatDouble(y2) & " " & _
             PDFFormatDouble(x3) & " " & _
             PDFFormatDouble(y3) & " c"

End Function
Public Sub PDFDrawPolygon(ParamArray pParam() As Variant)

Dim sTempDrawMode As String
Dim nbP           As Double
Dim in_i          As Integer

    nbP = (UBound(pParam(0), 1) + 1) / 2
    Select Case PDFDrawMode
        Case "D"
            PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFDrawColor
            sTempDrawMode = "h f"
        Case "DB"
            PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFDrawColor
            PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFLineColor
            sTempDrawMode = "B"
        Case ""
            PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFLineColor
            sTempDrawMode = "s"
    End Select

    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "%DEBUT_POLY/%"
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFLnStyle
    PDFPoint CDbl(pParam(0)(0)), CDbl(pParam(0)(1))
    For in_i = 2 To nbP * 2 - 1
        If in_i Mod 2 = 0 Then
            PDFLine CDbl(pParam(0)(in_i)), CDbl(pParam(0)(in_i + 1))
        End If
    Next in_i
    PDFLine CDbl(pParam(0)(0)), CDbl(pParam(0)(1))
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble(PDFLnWidth * in_Ech) & " w " & sTempDrawMode
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "%FIN_POLY/%"
End Sub
Private Function PDFPoint(x As Double, y As Double)

    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble(x * in_Ech) & " " & _
                              PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - y * in_Ech) & " m"

End Function
Private Function PDFLine(x As Double, y As Double)

    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble(x * in_Ech) & " " & _
                              PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - y * in_Ech) & " l"
End Function
Public Sub PDFDrawLineHor(x As Double, y As Double, w As Double)

    If Right(PDFLineColor, 2) = "RG" Then
        PDFDrawColor = Left(PDFLineColor, Len(PDFLineColor) - 2) & "rg"
        PDFDrawColor = Left(PDFLineColor, Len(PDFLineColor) - 1) & "g"
    End If

    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "%DEBUT_LNH/%"
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFLnStyle
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble(x * in_Ech) & " " & PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - y * in_Ech) & " m"
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble((x + w) * in_Ech) & " " & PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - y * in_Ech) & " l"
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFLineColor
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble(PDFLnWidth * in_Ech) & " w S"
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "%FIN_LNH/%"
    in_xCurrent = x + w
    in_yCurrent = y

End Sub
Public Sub PDFDrawLineVer(x As Double, y As Double, h As Double)

    If Right(PDFLineColor, 2) = "RG" Then
        PDFDrawColor = Left(PDFLineColor, Len(PDFLineColor) - 2) & "rg"
        PDFDrawColor = Left(PDFLineColor, Len(PDFLineColor) - 1) & "g"
    End If
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "%DEBUT_LNV/%"
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFLnStyle
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble(x * in_Ech) & " " & PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - y * in_Ech) & " m"
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble(x * in_Ech) & " " & PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - (y + h) * in_Ech) & " l"
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFLineColor
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble(PDFLnWidth * in_Ech) & " w S"
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "%FIN_LNV/%"
    in_xCurrent = x
    in_yCurrent = y + h

End Sub
Public Sub PDFDrawLine(x1 As Double, y1 As Double, x2 As Double, y2 As Double)

    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "%DEBUT_LN/%"
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFLnStyle
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble(x1 * in_Ech) & " " & PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - y1 * in_Ech) & " m"
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble(x2 * in_Ech) & " " & PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - y2 * in_Ech) & " l"
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFLineColor
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble(PDFLnWidth * in_Ech) & " w S"
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "%FIN_LN/%"
    If x1 > x2 Then
        in_xCurrent = x1
        in_xCurrent = x2
    End If

    If y1 > y2 Then
        in_yCurrent = y1
        in_yCurrent = y2
    End If

End Sub
Public Sub PDFDrawRectangle(x As Double, y As Double, w As Double, h As Double, Optional URLLink As String = "")

Dim sTempDrawMode As String
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "%DEBUT_RECT/%"
    Select Case PDFDrawMode
        Case "D"
            PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFDrawColor
            sTempDrawMode = "f"
        Case "DB"
            PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFDrawColor
            PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFLineColor
            sTempDrawMode = "B"
        Case ""
            PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFLineColor
            sTempDrawMode = "s"
    End Select
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFLnStyle
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble(x * in_Ech) & " " & _
                              PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - y * in_Ech) & " " & _
                              PDFFormatDouble(w * in_Ech) & " " & _
                              PDFFormatDouble(-1 * h * in_Ech) & " re " & sTempDrawMode
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble(PDFLnWidth * in_Ech) & " w S"

    PDFSetTextColor = vbWhite
    strTLink = "LINK"
    strTyLink = "RECTANGLE"
    wRect = w
    PDFSetLink URLLink, "RECTANGLE", Int(x + 5), Int(y + h / 2)
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "%FIN_RECT/%"

    strTyLink = ""
    in_xCurrent = x
    in_yCurrent = y + h
End Sub
Private Function PDFHtml2RgbColor(sColor As String) As PDFRGB

Dim sTmpColor As String

    sTmpColor = Right("000000" & sColor, 6)
    PDFHtml2RgbColor.in_r = CByte("&h" & Mid(sTmpColor, 1, 2))
    PDFHtml2RgbColor.in_g = CByte("&h" & Mid(sTmpColor, 3, 2))
    PDFHtml2RgbColor.in_b = CByte("&h" & Mid(sTmpColor, 5, 2))

End Function
Property Let PDFSetTextColor(gColor As Variant)

Dim TxtCl     As PDFRGB
Dim sColor    As String

    Select Case TypeName(gColor)
        Case "Variant()"
            TxtCl.in_r = gColor(0)
            TxtCl.in_g = gColor(1)
            TxtCl.in_b = gColor(2)
        Case "String"
           If Left(gColor, 1) <> "#" Then
                MsgBox "Invalid HTMl color set" & gColor & "." & _
                       vbNewLine & _
                       "Set color to  black.", vbCritical, "Text Color " & mjwPDFVersion
                TxtCl = PDFGetRGB(vbBlack)
                TxtCl = PDFHtml2RgbColor(CStr(gColor))
            End If
        Case Else
            TxtCl = PDFGetRGB(Int(gColor))
    End Select

    PDFTextColor = PDFStreamColor(TxtCl, "TEXT")

End Property
Property Get PDFGetTextColor() As String

    PDFGetTextColor = PDFstrTextColor

End Property
Property Let PDFSetLineColor(gColor As Variant)

Dim TxtCl     As PDFRGB
Dim sColor    As String

    Select Case TypeName(gColor)
        Case "Variant()"
            TxtCl.in_r = gColor(0)
            TxtCl.in_g = gColor(1)
            TxtCl.in_b = gColor(2)
        Case "String"
           If Left(gColor, 1) <> "#" Then
                MsgBox "Invalid line color set " & gColor & "." & _
                       vbNewLine & _
                       "Setting line color to black.", vbCritical, "Line Color - " & mjwPDFVersion
                TxtCl = PDFGetRGB(vbBlack)
                TxtCl = PDFHtml2RgbColor(CStr(gColor))
            End If
        Case Else
            TxtCl = PDFGetRGB(Int(gColor))
    End Select

    PDFLineColor = PDFStreamColor(TxtCl, "LINE")

End Property
Property Get PDFGetLineColor() As String

    PDFGetLineColor = PDFstrLineColor

End Property
Property Let PDFSetDrawColor(gColor As Variant)

Dim TxtCl     As PDFRGB
Dim sColor    As String

    Select Case TypeName(gColor)
        Case "Variant()"
            TxtCl.in_r = gColor(0)
            TxtCl.in_g = gColor(1)
            TxtCl.in_b = gColor(2)
        Case "String"
           If Left(gColor, 1) <> "#" Then
                MsgBox "Invalid Draw Color set " & gColor & "." & _
                       vbNewLine & _
                       "Using black.", vbCritical, "Draw Color - " & mjwPDFVersion
                TxtCl = PDFGetRGB(vbBlack)
                TxtCl = PDFHtml2RgbColor(CStr(gColor))
            End If
        Case Else
            TxtCl = PDFGetRGB(Int(gColor))
    End Select
    PDFDrawColor = PDFStreamColor(TxtCl, "BORDER")

End Property
Property Get PDFGetDrawColor() As String

    PDFGetDrawColor = PDFstrDrawColor

End Property
Private Function PDFStreamColor(PDFRgbColor As PDFRGB, str_Type As String) As String

Dim int_r        As Integer
Dim int_g        As Integer
Dim int_b        As Integer
Dim str_TxtColor As String

    int_r = PDFRgbColor.in_r
    int_g = PDFRgbColor.in_g
    int_b = PDFRgbColor.in_b

    Select Case str_Type
        Case "TEXT", "BORDER"
            str_TxtColor = Replace(Format(int_r / 255, "0.000"), ",", ".") & " " & _
                           Replace(Format(int_g / 255, "0.000"), ",", ".") & " " & _
                           Replace(Format(int_b / 255, "0.000"), ",", ".") & " rg"
        Case "LINE"
            str_TxtColor = Replace(Format(int_r / 255, "0.000"), ",", ".") & " " & _
                           Replace(Format(int_g / 255, "0.000"), ",", ".") & " " & _
                           Replace(Format(int_b / 255, "0.000"), ",", ".") & " RG"
    End Select

    PDFStreamColor = str_TxtColor

End Function
Property Let PDFSetAlignement(gAlignement As PDFAlignValue)

    Select Case gAlignement
        Case 2
            PDFstrTempAlign = "R"
        Case 0
            PDFstrTempAlign = "C"
        Case 1
            PDFstrTempAlign = "L"
        Case 3
            PDFstrTempAlign = "FJ"
        Case Else
            MsgBox "Invalid alignment set. : " & gAlignement & "." & _
                   vbNewLine & _
                   "Using left alignment.", vbCritical, "Alignment - " & mjwPDFVersion
            PDFstrTempAlign = "L"
    End Select

End Property
Property Get PDFGetAlignement() As String

Dim strTempAlign As String

    Select Case PDFstrTempAlign
        Case "C"
            strTempAlign = "Center"
        Case "R"
            strTempAlign = "Right"
        Case "L"
            strTempAlign = "Left"
        Case Else
            strTempAlign = "Left"
    End Select
    PDFGetAlignement = strTempAlign

End Property
Public Sub PDFLink(x As Double, y As Double, str_Text As String, Optional str_Link As String = "")

Dim w As Integer
Dim h As Integer

    pTempAngle = 0
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "%DEBUT_LINK/%"
    boPDFUnderline = True
        If PDFboImage = True Then
            PDFSetTextColor = vbBlue
            w = Int(ImgWidth)
            h = Int(ImgHeight)
            PDFTextOut "", x, y
            Select Case strTyLink
                Case "ELLIPSE"
                    w = Int(PDFGetStringWidth(strTLink, PDFFontName, PDFFontSize))
                    h = Int(PDFFontSize)
                    PDFTextOut "", x, y
                Case "RECTANGLE"
                    w = wRect
                    h = Int(PDFFontSize)
                    PDFTextOut "", x, y
                Case "CELL"
                    w = Int(PDFGetStringWidth(strTLink, PDFFontName, PDFFontSize))
                    h = Int(PDFFontSize)
                    PDFTextOut "", x, y
                Case Else
                    w = Int(PDFGetStringWidth(str_Text, PDFFontName, PDFFontSize))
                    h = Int(PDFFontSize)
                    PDFTextOut str_Text, x, y
            End Select
        End If

    PDFboImage = False
    boPDFUnderline = False
    strTyLink = ""
    If str_Link = "" Then str_Link = str_Text
    PDFTabLinks x, y, w, h, str_Text, str_Link

    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "%FIN_LINK/%"
End Sub
Private Sub PDFTabLinks(x As Double, y As Double, w As Integer, h As Integer, str_Text As String, Optional str_Link As Variant = 0)

    FPageLink = FPageLink + 1
    ReDim Preserve LinksList(1 To FPageLink)
    LinksList(FPageLink) = Array(FPageNumber, y, str_Link)

    If str_Link <> 0 Then
        PageLinksList(FPageNumber, FPageLink) = Array(x * in_Ech, PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - y * in_Ech, w * in_Ech, h * in_Ech, str_Link)
        PageLinksList(FPageNumber, FPageLink) = Array(x * in_Ech, PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - y * in_Ech, w * in_Ech, h * in_Ech, str_Text)
    End If

    ReDim Preserve boPageLinksList(1 To FPageNumber)
    ReDim Preserve NbPageLinksList(1 To FPageNumber)

    boPageLinksList(FPageNumber) = True
    NbPageLinksList(FPageNumber) = FPageLink

End Sub
Property Get PDFTextHeight() As Double

    PDFTextHeight = PDFFontSize * in_Ech
End Property
Property Let PDFSetRotation(pAngle As Double)

    PDFAngle = -1 * pAngle

End Property
Private Sub PDFStreamRotate(pAngle As Double, x As Double, y As Double)

Dim dSin     As Double
Dim dCos     As Double
Dim CenterX  As Double
Dim CenterY  As Double

    If pAngle <> 0 Then
        pAngle = pAngle * 3.1416 / 180
        dCos = Cos(pAngle)
        dSin = Sin(pAngle)
        CenterX = x * in_Ech
        CenterY = PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - y * in_Ech
        PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble(dCos, 5) & " " & _
                                  PDFFormatDouble(-1 * dSin, 5) & " " & _
                                  PDFFormatDouble(dSin, 5) & " " & _
                                  PDFFormatDouble(dCos, 5) & " " & _
                                  PDFFormatDouble(CenterX) & " " & _
                                  PDFFormatDouble(CenterY) & " Tm"
    End If
    bAngle = True
End Sub
Public Sub PDFTextOut(str_Text As String, Optional x As Double = 0, Optional y As Double = 0)

Dim j               As Integer
Dim in_PositionFont As Integer
Dim str_Tmp         As String
Dim str_TmpText     As String

    str_TmpText = Replace(str_Text, "\", "\\")
    str_TmpText = Replace(str_TmpText, "\\", "\\\\")
    str_TmpText = Replace(str_TmpText, "(", "\(")
    str_TmpText = Replace(str_TmpText, ")", "\)")
    str_Tmp = ""

    If x = 0 Then x = in_xCurrent
    If y = 0 Then y = in_yCurrent
    If PDFFontName = "" Then
        in_PositionFont = 1
        For j = 0 To UBound(Arr_Font)
            If Arr_Font(j) = PDFFontName Then
                in_PositionFont = j + 1
                Exit For
            End If
        Next j
    End If

    If PDFFontSize = 0 Then PDFFontSize = 10
    If PDFTextColor <> "" Then PDFOutStream sTempStream, "q " & PDFTextColor & " "
    If boPDFUnderline Then str_Tmp = PDFUnderline(False, str_Text, CDbl(x * in_Ech), CDbl(y * in_Ech))
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "%DEBUT_TEXT/%"
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "BT"
    If PDFAngle = 0 Then
        PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble((x + PDFlMargin) * in_Ech) & " " & PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - y * in_Ech) & " Td"
        PDFStreamRotate PDFAngle, x, y
        PDFAngle = 0
    End If
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "/F" & in_PositionFont & " " & PDFFormatDouble(PDFFontSize) & " Tf"
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "(" & str_TmpText & ") Tj"
    If PDFTextColor <> "" Then
        PDFOutStream sTempStream, "ET"

        If boPDFUnderline = True Then
            PDFOutStream sTempStream, str_Tmp
        End If

        PDFOutStream sTempStream, "Q"
        PDFOutStream sTempStream, "ET"

        If boPDFUnderline = True Then
            PDFOutStream sTempStream, str_Tmp
        End If
    End If
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "%FIN_TEXT/%"
    boPDFUnderline = False

    in_xCurrent = x + PDFGetStringWidth(str_Text, PDFFontName, PDFFontSize)
    in_yCurrent = y + PDFFontSize

End Sub
Property Let PDFSetBorder(gBorder As PDFBorderValue)

    PDFstrTempBorder = ""

    Select Case gBorder
        Case BORDER_ALL
            PDFstrTempBorder = "1"
        Case BORDER_NONE
            PDFstrTempBorder = "0"
        Case BORDER_TOP
            PDFstrTempBorder = "T"
        Case BORDER_BOTTOM
            PDFstrTempBorder = "B"
        Case BORDER_LEFT
            PDFstrTempBorder = "L"
        Case BORDER_RIGHT
            PDFstrTempBorder = "R"
        Case Else
            If InStr(1, gBorder, BORDER_LEFT, 1) <> 0 Then PDFstrTempBorder = PDFstrTempBorder & "L"
            If InStr(1, gBorder, BORDER_RIGHT, 1) <> 0 Then PDFstrTempBorder = PDFstrTempBorder & "R"
            If InStr(1, gBorder, BORDER_TOP, 1) <> 0 Then PDFstrTempBorder = PDFstrTempBorder & "T"
            If InStr(1, gBorder, BORDER_BOTTOM, 1) <> 0 Then PDFstrTempBorder = PDFstrTempBorder & "B"
    End Select

End Property
Property Let PDFSetFill(bFill As Boolean)

    PDFboTempFill = bFill

End Property
Public Sub PDFCell(str_Text As String, x As Double, y As Double, w As Double, h As Double, Optional URLLink As String = "")
Dim WidthMax    As Double
Dim lText       As Integer
Dim sCar        As String
Dim tWidth      As Double
Dim tBorder     As String
Dim yPos        As Double
Dim bMulti      As Boolean
Dim bBorder1    As String
Dim bBorder2    As String
Dim iSep        As Integer
Dim I, j, l     As Integer
Dim nl          As Integer

    tWidth = w
    yPos = y
    WidthMax = (w - 2 * PDFcMargin) * 10 / PDFFontSize
    lText = Len(str_Text)
    If lText > 0 And Right(str_Text, lText - 1) = vbNewLine Then
        lText = lText - 1
    End If
    bBorder1 = ""
    tBorder = PDFstrTempBorder
    If PDFstrTempBorder = "LRTB" Or PDFstrTempBorder = 1 Then
        bBorder1 = "LRT"
        bBorder2 = "LR"
        bBorder2 = ""
        If InStr(1, PDFstrTempBorder, "L", 1) <> 0 Then bBorder2 = bBorder2 & BORDER_LEFT
        If InStr(1, PDFstrTempBorder, "R", 1) <> 0 Then bBorder2 = bBorder2 & BORDER_RIGHT
        bBorder1 = IIf(InStr(1, PDFstrTempBorder, "T", 1) <> 0, bBorder2 = bBorder2 & BORDER_TOP, bBorder2)
    End If
    iSep = -1
    I = 1
    j = 1
    l = 0

    nl = 1
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "%DEBUT_CELL/%"
    While I <= lText
        sCar = Mid(str_Text, I, 1)
        If sCar = vbCrLf Then
            PDFstrTempBorder = bBorder1
            PDFCell2 Mid(str_Text, j, I - j), x, yPos, tWidth, h
            yPos = in_yCurrent
            bMulti = True
            I = I + 1
            iSep = -1
            j = I
            l = 0

            nl = nl + 1
            If nl = 2 Then bBorder1 = bBorder2
         End If
        If sCar = " " Then
            iSep = I
        End If
        l = l + PDFGetStringWidth(sCar, PDFFontName, PDFFontSize)
        If l > WidthMax Then
            If iSep = -1 Then
                If I = j Then I = I + 1
                PDFstrTempBorder = bBorder1
                PDFCell2 Mid(str_Text, j, I - j), x, yPos, tWidth, h
                yPos = in_yCurrent
                bMulti = True
                PDFstrTempBorder = bBorder1
                PDFCell2 Mid(str_Text, j, iSep - j), x - PDFcMargin, yPos, tWidth, h
                yPos = in_yCurrent
                bMulti = True
                I = iSep + 1
            End If
            iSep = -1
            j = I
            l = 0
            nl = nl + 1
            If nl = 2 Then bBorder1 = bBorder2
            I = I + 1
        End If
    If InStr(1, tBorder, "B", 1) <> 0 Or tBorder = 1 Then
        bBorder1 = bBorder1 & "B"
        PDFstrTempBorder = bBorder1
    End If
    yPos = IIf(bMulti, in_yCurrent, yPos)
    PDFCell2 Mid(str_Text, j, I - j), x - PDFcMargin, yPos, tWidth, h
    boPDFUnderline = False
    If PDFstrTempAlign = "FJ" Then
        PDFOutStream sTempStream, "0 Tw"
        iWidthStr = 0
    End If
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "%FIN_CELL/%"
End Sub
Private Function PDFGetNumberOfCar(sText As String, sCar As String) As Integer

Dim iNbCar As Integer
Dim in_i   As Integer

    iNbCar = 0
    in_i = InStr(1, sText, sCar)
    If in_i <> 0 Then iNbCar = 1
    Do While in_i <> 0
        in_i = InStr(in_i + 1, sText, sCar)
        If in_i <> 0 Then iNbCar = iNbCar + 1
    PDFGetNumberOfCar = iNbCar
End Function
Private Sub PDFCell2(str_Text As String, x As Double, y As Double, w As Double, h As Double, Optional URLLink As String = "")

Dim j               As Integer
Dim dx              As Integer
Dim ltmp            As Integer

Dim in_PositionFont As Integer
Dim str_Tmp         As String
Dim str_TmpSTR      As String
Dim str_TmpText     As String

Dim in_Px           As Integer
Dim in_Pw           As String
Dim in_Py           As String
Dim iWidthMax       As Double

Dim str_Tmp1        As String

    str_TmpText = Replace(str_Text, "\", "\\")
    str_TmpText = Replace(str_TmpText, "\\", "\\\\")
    str_TmpText = Replace(str_TmpText, "(", "\(")
    str_TmpText = Replace(str_TmpText, ")", "\)")

    str_Tmp1 = ""

    dx = 0
    'x = x + PDFcMargin

    If PDFFontName = "" Then
        in_PositionFont = 1
        For j = 0 To UBound(Arr_Font)
            If Arr_Font(j) = PDFFontName Then
                in_PositionFont = j + 1
                Exit For
            End If
        Next j
    End If

    If PDFFontSize = 0 Then PDFFontSize = 10
    If PDFLineColor <> "" Then PDFOutStream sTempStream, Trim(PDFLineColor)
    If PDFDrawColor <> "" Then PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFDrawColor

    If PDFboTempFill = True Or PDFstrTempBorder = "1" Then
        If PDFboTempFill = True Then
            If PDFstrTempBorder = "1" Then
                str_Tmp = "B"
                str_Tmp = "f"
            End If
            str_Tmp = "S"
        End If
        str_TmpSTR = PDFFormatDouble(x * in_Ech) & " " & _
                     PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - y * in_Ech) & " " & _
                     PDFFormatDouble(w * in_Ech) & " " & _
                     PDFFormatDouble(-h * in_Ech) & " re " & str_Tmp & vbCr
    End If

    If PDFstrTempBorder <> "0" And PDFstrTempBorder <> "1" Then
        PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble(PDFLnWidth * in_Ech) & " w"
        If InStr(1, PDFstrTempBorder, "L", 1) <> 0 Then _
            str_TmpSTR = str_TmpSTR & PDFFormatDouble(x * in_Ech) & " " & _
                         PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - y * in_Ech) & " m " & PDFFormatDouble(x * in_Ech) & " " & _
                         PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - (y + h) * in_Ech) & " l S" & vbCr
        If InStr(1, PDFstrTempBorder, "T", 1) <> 0 Then _
            str_TmpSTR = str_TmpSTR & PDFFormatDouble(x * in_Ech) & " " & _
                         PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - y * in_Ech) & " m " & PDFFormatDouble(x * in_Ech + w * in_Ech) & " " & _
                         PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - y * in_Ech) & " l S " & vbCr
        If InStr(1, PDFstrTempBorder, "R", 1) <> 0 Then _
            str_TmpSTR = str_TmpSTR & PDFFormatDouble(x * in_Ech + w * in_Ech) & " " & _
                         PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - y * in_Ech) & " m " & PDFFormatDouble(x * in_Ech + w * in_Ech) & " " & _
                         PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - (y + h) * in_Ech) & " l S " & vbCr
        If InStr(1, PDFstrTempBorder, "B", 1) <> 0 Then _
            str_TmpSTR = str_TmpSTR & PDFFormatDouble(x * in_Ech) & " " & _
                         PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - (y + h) * in_Ech) & " m " & PDFFormatDouble(x * in_Ech + w * in_Ech) & " " & _
                         PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - (y + h) * in_Ech) & " l S " & vbCr
    End If

    PDFstrTempBorder = "0"
    If PDFstrTempAlign = "" Then PDFstrTempAlign = "L"
    Select Case PDFstrTempAlign
        Case "R"
            ltmp = PDFGetStringWidth(str_Text, PDFFontName, PDFFontSize)
            dx = w * in_Ech - PDFcMargin - Format(ltmp, "###0.00")
        Case "C"
            ltmp = PDFGetStringWidth(str_Text, PDFFontName, PDFFontSize)
            dx = (w * in_Ech - ltmp) / 2
        Case "L"
            dx = 2 * PDFcMargin
        Case "FJ"
            iWidthMax = (w * in_Ech - (PDFGetNumberOfCar(str_Text, " ") + 1) * PDFcMargin)
            iWidthStr = (iWidthMax - PDFGetStringWidth(str_Text, PDFFontName, PDFFontSize)) / IIf(PDFGetNumberOfCar(str_Text, " ") <> 0, PDFGetNumberOfCar(str_Text, " "), 1)
            PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble(iWidthStr * in_Ech, 3) & " Tw"
            dx = 2 * PDFcMargin
    End Select

    If str_TmpSTR <> "" Then PDFOutStream sTempStream, str_TmpSTR

    If URLLink <> "" Then
        boPDFUnderline = True
        PDFTabLinks (x + dx), _
                (y + 0.5 * h - 0.5 * PDFFontSize), _
                PDFGetStringWidth(str_Text, PDFFontName, PDFFontSize), _
                CDbl(PDFFontSize), _
                str_Text, URLLink
    End If

    If boPDFUnderline Then str_Tmp1 = PDFUnderline(True, str_Text, CDbl((x * in_Ech + dx)), _
                                                PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - (y * in_Ech + 0.5 * h * in_Ech + 0.3 * PDFFontSize))

    If PDFTextColor <> "" Then
        PDFOutStream sTempStream, "q " & PDFTextColor & " "
        If boPDFUnderline = True Then
            PDFOutStream sTempStream, str_Tmp1
        End If
    End If

    xlink = 0
    xlink = x

    yLink = 0
    yLink = y
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "BT"
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "/F" & in_PositionFont & " " & PDFFontSize & " Tf"
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble((x * in_Ech + dx)) & " " & _
                              PDFFormatDouble((PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - (y * in_Ech + 0.5 * h * in_Ech + 0.3 * PDFFontSize))) & _
                              " Td"
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "(" & str_TmpText & ") Tj"

    If PDFTextColor <> "" Then
        PDFOutStream sTempStream, "ET"
        PDFOutStream sTempStream, "Q"
        PDFOutStream sTempStream, "ET"
    End If
    strTLink = str_Text
    strTyLink = "CELL"
    PDFSetLink URLLink, "CELL", xlink, yLink
    strTyLink = ""
    in_xCurrent = x + w
    in_yCurrent = y + h

End Sub
Private Sub PDFSetLink(URLLink As String, OType As String, x As Double, y As Double)

    If TypeName(URLLink) = "String" Then
        If OType = "IMAGE" Then
            PDFboImage = True
            PDFboImage = False
        End If

        If URLLink <> "" Then PDFLink x, y, URLLink
        strTLink = ""
        PDFboImage = False
        Select Case OType
            Case "CELL"
                MsgBox "Invalid URL link : " & URLLink & "." & _
                        vbNewLine & _
                        "Unable to include link.", vbCritical, "Url Link - " & mjwPDFVersion
            Case "IMAGE"
                MsgBox "Invalid URL image object: " & URLLink & "." & _
                        vbNewLine & _
                        "Unable to include URL image.", vbCritical, "Url Link Image - " & mjwPDFVersion
            Case "RECT"
                MsgBox "Invalid URL rectangle: " & URLLink & "." & _
                        vbNewLine & _
                        "Unable to include URL rectangle.", vbCritical, "Url Link Rectangle - " & mjwPDFVersion
            Case "ELLIPSE"
                MsgBox "Invalid URL Ellipse : " & URLLink & "." & _
                        vbNewLine & _
                        "Unable ot include URL Ellipse.", vbCritical, "Url Link Ellipse - " & mjwPDFVersion
        End Select
    End If

End Sub
Public Function PDFImageWidth(pFileName As String) As Double

Dim ArrInfo  As Variant
Dim in_pos   As Integer

    in_pos = InStr(1, pFileName, ".", 1)

    If in_pos = 0 Then
        MsgBox "File " & pFileName & " does not have an extension" & _
                vbNewLine & _
                "Invalid filename specified.", vbCritical, "Image File - " & mjwPDFVersion
        Exit Function
    End If

    If Right(pFileName, 3) = "jpg" Or Right(pFileName, 4) = "jpeg" Then
        ArrInfo = PDFParseJPG(pFileName)
        If TypeName(ArrInfo) = "Boolean" Then
            If ArrInfo = False Then Exit Function
        End If
        MsgBox "Image format not supported." & _
                vbNewLine & _
                "Only JPEG images are supported." & _
                vbNewLine & _
                "Impossible to include image in PDF file.", vbCritical, "Image File - " & mjwPDFVersion
        Exit Function
    End If

    PDFImageWidth = ArrInfo(0)
End Function
Public Function PDFImageHeight(pFileName As String) As Double

Dim ArrInfo  As Variant
Dim in_pos   As Integer

    in_pos = InStr(1, pFileName, ".", 1)

    If in_pos = 0 Then
        MsgBox "File " & pFileName & " does not have an extension" & _
                vbNewLine & _
                "Invalid filename specified.", vbCritical, "Image File - " & mjwPDFVersion
        Exit Function
    End If

    If Right(pFileName, 3) = "jpg" Or Right(pFileName, 4) = "jpeg" Then
        ArrInfo = PDFParseJPG(pFileName)
        If TypeName(ArrInfo) = "Boolean" Then
            If ArrInfo = False Then Exit Function
        End If
        MsgBox "Image format not supported." & _
                vbNewLine & _
                "Only JPEG images are supported." & _
                vbNewLine & _
                "Impossible to include image in PDF file.", vbCritical, "Image File - " & mjwPDFVersion
        Exit Function
    End If

    PDFImageHeight = ArrInfo(1)
End Function
Public Sub PDFImage(pFileName As String, x As Double, y As Double, Optional w As Double = 0, Optional h As Double = 0, Optional URLLink As String = "")

Dim in_pos   As Integer
Dim ArrInfo  As Variant

    in_pos = InStr(1, pFileName, ".", 1)

    If in_pos = 0 Then
        MsgBox "File " & pFileName & " does not have an extension" & _
                vbNewLine & _
                "Invalid filename specified.", vbCritical, "Image File - " & mjwPDFVersion
        Exit Sub
    End If

    If Right(pFileName, 3) = "jpg" Or Right(pFileName, 4) = "jpeg" Then
        ArrInfo = PDFParseJPG(pFileName)
        If TypeName(ArrInfo) = "Boolean" Then
            If ArrInfo = False Then Exit Sub
        End If
        MsgBox "Image format not supported." & _
                vbNewLine & _
                "Only JPEG images are supported." & _
                vbNewLine & _
                "Impossible to include image in PDF file.", vbCritical, "Image File - " & mjwPDFVersion
        Exit Sub
    End If

    If w = 0 And h = 0 Then
        w = ArrInfo(0) / in_Ech
        h = ArrInfo(1) / in_Ech
    End If

    If w = 0 Then w = h * ArrInfo(0) / ArrInfo(1)
    If h = 0 Then h = w * ArrInfo(1) / ArrInfo(0)

    NumberofImages = NumberofImages + 1
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "q"
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, PDFFormatDouble(w * in_Ech) & " 0 0 " & _
                              PDFFormatDouble(h * in_Ech) & " " & _
                              PDFFormatDouble(x * in_Ech) & " " & _
                              PDFFormatDouble(PDFCanvasHeight(in_Canvas) - (y + h) * in_Ech) & " cm /ImgJPEG" & _
                              NumberofImages & " Do Q"
    ImgWidth = w
    ImgHeight = h

    PDFSetLink URLLink, "IMAGE", x, y

    in_xCurrent = (x + w) * in_Ech
    in_yCurrent = (y + h) * in_Ech

End Sub
Private Function PDFParseJPG(pFileName As String) As Variant

Const GENERIC_READ = &H80000000
Const FILE_BEGIN = 0

Dim in_File    As Long
Dim in_Bytes   As Long

Dim str_TChar  As String
Dim in_res     As Long

Dim sIMG       As Long
Dim inIMG

Dim in_PEnd     As Long
Dim in_idx      As Long
Dim str_SegmMk  As String
Dim in_SegmSz   As Long
Dim bChar       As Byte
Dim in_TmpColor As Long
Dim in_bpc      As Long

Dim ArrBFile()  As Byte

    ReDim Preserve ArrIMG(1 To NumberofImages + 1)

    ' Extract info from a JPEG file
    inIMG = FreeFile

    in_File = PDFCreateFile(pFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, ByVal 0&, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0)
    sIMG = PDFGetFileSize(in_File, 0)

    If sIMG < 250 Then
        MsgBox "File Image is non JPEG" & _
                vbNewLine & _
                "Cannot add image to PDF file.", vbCritical, "File Image - " & mjwPDFVersion
        PDFParseJPG = False
        PDFCloseHandle in_File
        Exit Function
    End If

    ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_8 = sIMG

    ReDim Preserve ArrBFile(1 To 1, 1 To sIMG) As Byte
    in_res = PDFReadFile(in_File, ArrBFile(1, 1), sIMG, in_Bytes, ByVal 0&)

    in_PEnd = UBound(ArrBFile, 2) - 1

    If PDFIntAsHex(ArrBFile, 1) <> "FFD8" Or PDFIntAsHex(ArrBFile, in_PEnd) <> "FFD9" Then
        MsgBox "Invalid JPEG marker" & _
                vbNewLine & _
                "Cannot add iamge to PDF file.", vbCritical, "File Image - " & mjwPDFVersion
        PDFParseJPG = False
        PDFCloseHandle in_File
        Exit Function
    End If

    in_idx = 3
    Do While in_idx < in_PEnd
        str_SegmMk = PDFIntAsHex(ArrBFile, in_idx)
        in_SegmSz = PDFIntVal(ArrBFile, in_idx + 2)

        If str_SegmMk = "FFFF" Then
            Do While ArrBFile(1, in_idx + 1) = &HFF
                in_idx = in_idx + 1
            in_SegmSz = PDFIntVal(ArrBFile, in_idx + 2)
        End If

        Select Case str_SegmMk
            Case "FFE0"
                bChar = ArrBFile(1, in_idx + 11)
                If bChar = 0 Then
                    ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_7 = "Dots"
                ElseIf bChar = 1 Then
                    ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_7 = "Dots/inch (DPI)"
                ElseIf bChar = 2 Then
                    ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_7 = "Dots/cm"
                    MsgBox "Invalid image resolution" & bChar & _
                            "Valid resolution is: 0, 1, 2." & _
                            vbNewLine & _
                            "Cannot add image to PDF file.", vbCritical, "File Image - " & mjwPDFVersion
                    PDFParseJPG = False
                    PDFCloseHandle in_File
                    Exit Function
                End If
            Case "FFC0", "FFC1", "FFC2", "FFC3", "FFC5", "FFC6", "FFC7"
                ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_1 = PDFIntVal(ArrBFile, in_idx + 7)
                ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_2 = PDFIntVal(ArrBFile, in_idx + 5)

                in_TmpColor = ArrBFile(1, in_idx + 9) * 8

                If in_TmpColor = 8 Then
                    ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_3 = "DeviceGray"
                ElseIf in_TmpColor = 24 Then
                    ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_3 = "DeviceRGB"
                ElseIf in_TmpColor = 32 Then
                    ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_3 = "DeviceCMYK"
                    ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_4 = in_TmpColor
                End If
        End Select

        in_idx = in_idx + in_SegmSz + 2

    PDFCloseHandle in_File

    If ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_4 <> "" Then
        in_bpc = ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_4
        in_bpc = 8
        ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_4 = 8
    End If

    ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_5 = "DCTDecode"
    ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_6 = ""

    Open pFileName For Binary As #inIMG
        str_TChar = String(sIMG, " ")
        Get #inIMG, , str_TChar
        ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_6 = ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_6 & str_TChar
    Close #inIMG

    PDFParseJPG = Array(ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_1, _
                        ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_2, _
                        ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_3, _
                        in_bpc, ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_5, _
                        ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_6, _
                        ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_7, _
                        ArrIMG(NumberofImages + 1).in_8)

End Function
Private Function PDFIntAsHex(ArrBF As Variant, in_Index As Long) As String

    PDFIntAsHex = Right("00" & Hex(ArrBF(1, in_Index)), 2) & _
                  Right("00" & Hex(ArrBF(1, in_Index + 1)), 2)

End Function
Private Function PDFIntVal(ArrBF As Variant, in_idx As Long) As Long

    PDFIntVal = CLng(ArrBF(1, in_idx)) * 256& + _
                CLng(ArrBF(1, in_idx + 1))

End Function
Private Sub PDFWriteImage(in_Img As Integer)

Dim TmpImg As String

    TmpImg = ArrIMG(in_Img).in_6

    CurrentObjectNum = CurrentObjectNum + 1
    TempStream = ""

    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "%DEBUT_OBJ/%"
    PDFOutStream TempStream, CurrentObjectNum & " 0 obj"

    ImageStream = ""
    PDFOutStream ImageStream, "<</Type /XObject"
    PDFOutStream ImageStream, "/Subtype /Image"
    PDFOutStream ImageStream, "/Filter [/DCTDecode ]"
    PDFOutStream ImageStream, "/Width " & ArrIMG(in_Img).in_1
    PDFOutStream ImageStream, "/Height " & ArrIMG(in_Img).in_2
    PDFOutStream ImageStream, "/ColorSpace /" & ArrIMG(in_Img).in_3
    PDFOutStream ImageStream, "/BitsPerComponent " & ArrIMG(in_Img).in_4
    PDFOutStream ImageStream, "/Length " & Len(ArrIMG(in_Img).in_6)
    PDFOutStream ImageStream, "/Name /ImgJPEG" & in_Img & ">>"
    PDFOutStream ImageStream, "stream"
    PDFOutStream ImageStream, TmpImg
    PDFOutStream ImageStream, "endstream"
    PDFOutStream ImageStream, "endobj"
    PDFOutStream sTempStream, "%FIN_OBJ/%"
    TempStream = TempStream & ImageStream

    PDFAddToOffset Len(TempStream)

    Strm.WriteLine TempStream

End Sub
Public Sub PDFBeginDoc()

    FPageNumber = 1

    in_offset = 1
    NumberofImages = 0
    CurrentObjectNum = 0
    ObjectOffset = 0
    CurrentPDFSetPageObject = 0
    CRCounter = 0
    FontNumber = 0

    ReDim ObjectOffsetList(1 To 1)
    ReDim PageNumberList(1 To 1)
    ReDim PageCanvasHeight(1 To 1)
    ReDim PageCa
commented: Whhaaaa!! this is a whole bunch of codes Andre!, where did you get all this stuff?! you're amazing! I'll try this at home :D +2

thank u so much.. it help a my problem is now how to connect my database from ms access with 12 table in one form called leave.

the scenario is this:
in my Leave database i have 12 tables[january to december]. each table has same fields to the other table, like name, employee id, previous vacation leave, previous sick leave and its corresponding date.
in my Leave Form it looks like this:




now i want to connect each month from to database. example: connect the january from the form to the table january in my database..

It is a pleasure.:)

We need to close this thread by marking it as solved. Please open a new post with your database question and I will post the solution under that post, thanks. The reason being that we are trying to keep solutions to specific questions.;)

You will find "Mark As Solved" at the bottom of this page.:)

Oh, thanks for the rep points, its much appreciated.;)

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