I have to create a program that requires the user to enter the zip code. The zip code must be 5 digits. I know how to do that using if statement and string.length(). What I don't know how to do is how to make sure the program only inputs and accepts zip codes that start with 606 and 605.

Here's my code so far

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
	cout << "Please enter zip code: ";
	string = zipCode;

	if (zipCode.length() == 5 && )

		cout << "Please enter a 5 digit Zip Code ";

I have to use a string function

You call this:

string = zipCode;

before you have defined zipcode. Did you mean to say

string zipCode;


Also, you can access individual characters in a string with the [] operator. That is, you can check if the first digit is a '6' by doing:

if(yourString[0] == '6')

Good luck,


Thanks you fixed it.

below is a code, hope it helps.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()

string str1 = "606", str2 = "605" str3;
size_t pos;

cout << "Please enter zip code: ";
string = zipCode;

pos = zipCode.find("606");
str3 = zipCode.substr(pos + 3);

if (str3 == str1 || str3 == str2 )

cout<< "OK"<<endl;

cout << "Please enter a 5 digit Zip Code ";

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