I am a final year computer science/networks student, i am going to hand in my final year project, and i was thinking of creating an online learning system which would include a database for storing student and staff details. Please i need ideas on what i can add to my project proposal, or any fresh ideas on a project in my field will help. Thanks :?:

I am a final year computer science/networks student, i am going to hand in my final year project, and i was thinking of creating an online learning system which would include a database for storing student and staff details. Please i need ideas on what i can add to my project proposal, or any fresh ideas on a project in my field will help. Thanks :?:

Web learning sending everything to the database? That should be enough if you ask me. Look into Spring and Hibernate. Those are fresher and newer.



Thanks for ur reply. Could you shed more light on spring and hibernate, i was thinking of using asp.net and sqlserver to implement the system. Are there any better applications or programming languages to use for this system.

Thanks for ur reply. Could you shed more light on spring and hibernate, i was thinking of using asp.net and sqlserver to implement the system. Are there any better applications or programming languages to use for this system.

Well, since you're in a java forum i thought you would be using a java based solution...

Anyways, Spring is a frame work that allows for indirection, dependancy interjection, and Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP). Each is important in its own way. Hibernate is a Object/Relational Mapping tool (ORM) that allows your to persist entire object graphs instead of having to use JDBC to break apart your object graphs manually.



Thanks for your help and i will look into your suggestion.

Hi everyone,

If you do not like Spring or Hibernate, you can also roll out your own database which would be really cool and a great addition to your future resume

Richard West

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