I have a project that has four classes descending. Person is the first class, CollegeEmployee,and Student are classes that descend from the class Person. The class Faculty descends from CollegeEmployee and has a Boolean field that indicated whether the Faculty member is tentured, as well as methods that override the CollegeEmployee methods to accept and display this additional piece of information. I don't understand how to do the Boolean or what is tentured. I need help on the class Faculty.

#include <iostream>  
#include <cstdlib>  

using namespace std;  

	class Person  

	char m_FirstName[30];  
	char m_LastName[30];  

	 void SetFirstName(char []);  

     char * GetFirstName(void);
		 void SetLastName(char []); 
		 char * GetLastName(void);  


    class Student : public Person  

	char m_NID[15];  
	float m_Grade;  
		void SetNID(char []);  
	char * GetNID(void);  

        void SetGrade(float);  
		float GetGrade(void);  


	 float AverageGrade(Student [], int);  

	int MaximumGradeStudent(Student [], int);  

    int main()  
    int i, n;  

    char firstName[30];  
	char lastName[30];  
	char studentNID[15];  
	float studentGrade;  
	float avg;  
		int max = 0;  
     cout << "Enter the number of students: ";  
	 cin  >> n;   

      Student *studentInfo = new Student[n];  

       for (i = 0; i < n; i++)  

	  cout << "Student #" << i+1 << endl;  
	  cout << "Enter the student's first name: ";  
	  cin  >> firstName;  
	  cout << "Enter the student's last name: ";  
	  cin  >> lastName;  
	  cout << "Enter the student's NID: ";  
	  cin  >> studentNID;  
      cout << "Enter the student's grade: ";  
	  cin  >> studentGrade;  

        avg = AverageGrade(studentInfo, n);  
		max = MaximumGradeStudent(studentInfo, n);  

    cout << "The average grade is: " << avg << endl;  
	cout << "The student with the highest grade is: " 

        << studentInfo[max].GetFirstName() << " " 
		<< studentInfo[max].GetLastName()<< " " << "NID: " 
		<< studentInfo[max].GetNID() << " " << "Grade: " 
		<< studentInfo[max].GetGrade() << endl;  

       delete [] studentInfo;  
	float AverageGrade(Student students[], int num)  
	float average = 0;  
	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)  
	average = average + students[i].GetGrade();  
	average = average/(double)num;        
	return average;  
	 int MaximumGradeStudent(Student students[], int num)  

	int i, place;  
	float maxGrade = 0;  
	for (i = 0; i < num; i++)  
	if ((students[i].GetGrade()) > maxGrade)  
	maxGrade = students[i].GetGrade();  
	place = i;  
	return place;  

	 void Person::SetFirstName(char firstName[])  
	 char * Person::GetFirstName(void)  
	return m_FirstName;  
	void Person::SetLastName(char lastName[])  
	 char * Person::GetLastName(void)  
   return m_LastName;  
	void Student::SetGrade(float studentGrade)  
	m_Grade = studentGrade;  
	 float Student::GetGrade(void)  
    return m_Grade;  
    void Student::SetNID(char studentNID[])  
    char * Student::GetNID(void)  
	return m_NID;  
	class CollegeEmployee : Person
	int deptName; double annualSal; double SS;
	char m_NID[3];
	double m_deptName;
	double m_annualSal;
	double m_SS;
	void SetNID(char[]);
	char * GetNID(void);
	void SetdeptName(double);
	void SetannualSal(double);
	void SetSS(double);
	int deptName(CollegeEmployee[],int);
	double annualSal(CollegeEmployee[],int);
	double SS(CollegeEmployee[], int);

	int main ()

When someone is 'tenured' it means that they can not be fired without a 'good reason'.

In C++, a 'Boolean' is 'bool'.
So you can just give the class a member 'bool m_tenured;'

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