I'm supposed to define a function that removes all nodes with a specified value from a linked list.

I have to use this structure:

typedef struct LIST
	int Object;
	struct LIST *Next;

and here is the function I wrote

void LDeleteElem(LIST **List, int Elem)
	LIST* Curr = *List;
	LIST* Prev = NULL;

	while (Curr != NULL)
		if (Curr->Object == Elem) /*found the node*/
			if (Prev == NULL)
				*List = Curr->Next; /*if found at the beginning*/
				Prev->Next = Curr->Next; /*if found anywhere else*/
		Prev = Curr; Curr = Curr->Next;

And it crashes... If I add return; after free(Curr); it works fine and removes the first node with the value of Elem it finds, but I need to remove all of them, what am I doing wrong?

This might be your problem...

On line 14 your freeing Curr and then on line 16 you set Prev to Curr...Prev now equals NULL.

Indeed, thank you! Ended up implementing it this way

void LDeleteElem(LIST **List, int Elem)
	LIST* Curr = *List;
	LIST* Prev = NULL;

	while (Curr != NULL)
		if (Curr->Object == Elem)
			if (Prev == NULL)			
				*List = Curr->Next;
				Prev->Next = Curr->Next;
			LIST* temp = Curr;
			Curr = Curr->Next;
			Prev = Curr; Curr = Curr->Next;
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