Hello, I am still a student and this is an assignment, I'm not neccessarily looking for a solution but simpy an answer to guide me in troubleshooting this logical (I think) problem.
I designed a simple program to seperate text data into usable fields in accordance with my assignment.
I was given a simple .dat file with 50 or so records in the following format:
Professor Frink Huntley 085205552223
I designed and subsequently wrote (in QBASIC) a program. I have solved most of the syntactical errors and now I am solving the logical ones and I am stuck on Error #62 "Input past end of file"
It is located in my getInput SUB, second line after importing variables.
LINE INPUT #1, InputRecord
I have searched this site and other sites within Google range but have not found anything relevant to my problem.
I will furnish more code upon any request, I guess I didn't here because it's still a work in progress and I'm stuck on this error.
Thanks for any reply.