i would like to evaluate some value in C.


#define OK 1

int main()
  char *ptr;
  ptr=(char *)fun();

here fun() returns char * and stored in ptr. i would like to check weather ptr is OK or not, i do't like to use strcmp() since, i would like do strcmp() for 100 message. But i would like to check weather its in #define or not. how to do? please help me.

If the pointer is not okay, it should be NULL. Otherwise you have no choice but to always return a valid pointer and test the contents, which you've already stated isn't desirable:

#include <stdio.h>

char *fun(void)
    char *result = NULL;

    /* Allocate and populate result, or leave NULL on error... */

    return result;

int main(void)
    char *ptr = fun();

    if (ptr != NULL)

    return 0;

hi, i think u did't understand my problem, the fun() retrun char *. the char * contain the string for example
*ptr = "OK"

i would like to check OK is present in #define or not. if its present then print success.

how to compare the string with #define...


>i think u did't understand my problem
I understood your problem to be nonsensical and impossible with the given restrictions. My previous post gave you the answer you needed rather than the one you wanted.

>how to compare the string with #define...
#define a string literal and use strcmp, the macro symbol itself is lost after compilation, so you can't use it at runtime:

#define OK "OK"

int main(void)
    char *ptr = fun();

    if (strcmp(ptr, OK) == 0)

    return 0;

Oh wait, you don't want to use strcmp. I guess you're SOL. :icon_rolleyes:

hi r u got idea.

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