What is java and the whole bunch of things.
I only know how to use eclipse to write java project, probably java 1.4.

Can someone give me a picture about the whole bunch of java things such as jsp servlet spring struts hibernate J2EE glassfish J2EE 5 J2EE 6 EJB bah bah bah...

Someone said a programmer who know J2EE worth quite a lot of money, but there can I start to learn about it? I don't even know will the company use the lastest update of J2EE, maybe some of them are still using version that is quite old.

I have googled about java ee before and I am so confused.
Someone in a forum thread said the company are not ready to upgrade to java ee 5 or even 6, they are still using java ee 1.4

And the whole bunch of numbering of java sdk jdk ee se 1.4 1.5 5 6 also confused me.

Should head into learning some servlet things?

even as a junior programmer, you should know that software comes in different versions.
just take a look at http://java.sun.com, which should be your first source on getting to know Java, all the things you are asking about are very well explained there.

should you go ahead and learn servlets? no.
since it's clear you have no knowledge of the basics of Java, why would you try more dificult tasks?

If you try without understanding the basics, you'll propably learn yourself a working yet inefficiënt way to develop servlets, so start with the syntaxis and some basic training material first. First learn to crawl, than to walk, don't expect you'll be running a marathon before you have taken your first steps.

to get back at this:

Someone said a programmer who know J2EE worth quite a lot of money, but there can I start to learn about it? I don't even know will the company use the lastest update of J2EE, maybe some of them are still using version that is quite old.

if earning money is your only motivation, and you just take this career because "someone said" such developers are worth a lot of money (doesn't mean that developer gets paid a lot himself, by the way), you may want to look into what you really want to do with your life.
secondly: how on earth can we know what your company is using? not only does this depend from company to company, but even within a company, it is very well possible that different teams use different versions. Not to mention the number of companies that don't use Java at all.

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