Sun Microsystems and Google plan to announce a collaborative effort that some analysts speculate could elevate the profile of the and Java software packages.

Details won't emerge publicly until Google CEO Eric Schmidt and Sun CEO Scott McNealy take the stage on Tuesday at a news conference in Mountain View, Calif. But one strong possibility is a partnership that could help shift personal computing out of Microsoft's domain and into Google's.

Idiotic analysis.
Healthy companies (which Sun and Google both are) don't set agendas based on wanting to destroy other companies.
Neither Google nor Sun could exist at this stage without Microsoft and they know it.

Google will never dominate the software market. They don't have the culture for it.
In fact I doubt any company could step up to dominate the market the way Microsoft has been able to do over the last 25 years or so, at least not for a long time.
The socialist/communist attitude prevailing in the press (which in turn decides how people view companies) makes that impossible to achieve. Any company trying would be treated to all kinds of legal hurdles preventing them from branching out into other areas.
Microsoft only prevented being broken up by the socialist anti-corporate lawyers because of deft legal maneouvering of their own a few years ago, those lawyers won't allow any company to reach the stage where they could do the same.

It may be good for Sun to partner up, but I don't see what Google's getting out of it.

Sun's already partnered to Microsoft, IBM, and many others :)

Google is on an empire-building spree, they may be looking into branching out into hardware and operating systems, in which case Sun would make a nice acquisition.
At the very least a close partnership with Sun would give them access to very nice hardware at below market prices.

What I don't see is what Sun would get out of such a venture.

Watchout Microsoft :lol:

Internet search giant Google and network computing company Sun Microsystems have entered into a multi-year agreement to distribute Sun's software technologies, a move meant to offer users an alternative to Microsoft products.
Both Google CEO Eric Schmidt and Sun CEO Scott McNealy kept mum on the specifics of the partnership, apart from announcing a deal to distribute the popular Google toolbar, which allows users to search both the Web and their desktops, through Sun's Java Runtime Environment, a software package that needs to be installed on a machine in order to run Java technology-based applications. As part of the deal, users who download the JRE software package will have the option of downloading the Goggle Toolbar.

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