well, ive been using VB6 for a year now, but i cant get this to work
i have 3 txt boxs, and a cmd button, and a timer thingy(dont know how to use timer yet :P )
it needs to count down in seconds, min and hours.
this is the code i have done so far, but it doesnt work properly, could someone help me debug it please.
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
If sectxt.Caption > 0 Then
sectxt.Caption -1
ElseIf sectxt.Caption >= 59 Then
sectxt.Caption = 59
End If
If sectxt.Caption = 0 Then
mintxt.Caption -1
Csectxt.Caption = 59
If mintxt.Caption = 0 Then
hourtxt.Caption -1
mintxt.Caption = 59
End If
End If
If mintxt.Caption <= 0 Then
mintxt.Caption = 0
End If
If houttxt.Caption <= 0 Then
houttxt.Caption = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub startcmd_Click()
If startcmd.Caption = "Start Washing" Then
Timer1.Enabled = True
startcmd.Caption = "Pause / Stop"
End If
End Sub