I am learning C++ using Stephen Pratas "C++ Primer Plus" (excellent book btw). However i am stuck on exercise 6 chapter 4, where in essence i just have to use new to allocate the array of structures dynamically. I can allocate a single structure dynamically, however i still do not know how to initialise all the members at one time, only each member seperately by using cin e.g. i can only do:

cin.get(structure1->name, 20);

and i do not know how to initialise a whole dynamically allocated structure like i can with a normal 1 e.g. i cant do this:

structure1 object1 =
"Balh blah blah".

Can please someone help. thnx in advance

structure object1 = {1,2,3,4,5,6,etc};
structure object2={"something","anything", "another thing"};

Now if u wanted "something" from object 2 to correspond to a number from object one you can use parralell arrays.

But a matrix would be better.

Ok--try this (i'm not sure it's perfect...13 yr olds can make mistakes)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <alloc.h>
struct nod
int info;
nod *adr;
nod *vf,*sf;// *vf-is the the first element in the list
// *sf- is the last element
void add(int val,nod* &vf)
if (!vf) //lista este goala
nod *c=(nod*)malloc(sizeof(nod));
void list(nod *vf)
nod *c;
while (c)
printf("%i ",c->info);
/*void insert(int vc,int vi,nod *vf)
nod *c;
while (c->info!=vc) c=c->adr;
nod *e=(nod*)malloc(sizeof(nod));
}*/ //it inserts a nod in the list after looking for a value-vc
// you don't need the insert(...) function
void main()
int n;//it reads the numer of elements which will be in the list
for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
int a;//value you read-- i assumed it was a list
printf("data:");// with int information-and nothing else
list(vf);//writes the list on stdout (screen)

Hope this helps :cheesy:

Not sure I understand the request, but using new for dynamic arrays goes like this:

void CreateArray( int numberToCreate )
// this allocates space and calls the constructor on each element.
AnObject* theDynamicArray = new AnObject[ numberToCreate ];

// example of use
for (int i = 0; i < numberToCreate; i++)
DoSomething( theDynamicArray[ i ] ); // gets passed as AnObject, not AnObject*

delete [] theDynamicArray; // destructor of each element gets called.

The constructor would be responsible for initializing the object, of course, but if you want to load some initial data in from the console or a resource or something, you'd have to do that post-construction. Like, in the DoSomething() routine. Also, a routine like DoSomething() should take AnObject as a reference so it can be changed (and so it doesn't need to be copied by the compiler).

I'm studying C++ using the same book and I found myself in a bit of a jam with that particular exercise. I sorted that out and I'm posting my source code so you may continue with the following chapters. If someone can come up with a nicer or more elegant solution please post.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
struct CandyBar //struct declaration
char *brand;
float weight;
int calories;

//dynamic array declaration
CandyBar *Candies = new CandyBar[3];
CandyBar *CandyPointer = &Candies[0];  //pointer to a CanyBar data object

//structure initialization one by one
(*CandyPointer).brand = "Mocha Munch";
CandyPointer->weight = 2.3;
CandyPointer->calories = 350;

CandyPointer = &Candies[1];
(*CandyPointer).brand = "Chilly Willy";
CandyPointer->weight = 2.2;
CandyPointer->calories = 200;

CandyPointer = &Candies[2];
(*CandyPointer).brand = "Lemon Rush";
CandyPointer->weight = 2.1;
CandyPointer->calories = 200;

//data output to the screen

//first element of the array
CandyPointer = &Candies[0];
cout << "Name of Candy Bar: " << (*CandyPointer).brand << endl;
cout << "Weight of Candy Bar: " << CandyPointer->weight << endl;
cout << "Number of calories in Candy Bar: " << CandyPointer->calories << "\n\n";

//second element of the array
CandyPointer = &Candies[1];
cout << "Name of Candy Bar: " << (*CandyPointer).brand << endl;
cout << "Weight of Candy Bar: " << CandyPointer->weight << endl;
cout << "Number of calories in Candy Bar: " << CandyPointer->calories << "\n\n";

//third element of the array
CandyPointer = &Candies[2];
cout << "Name of Candy Bar: " << (*CandyPointer).brand << endl;
cout << "Weight of Candy Bar: " << CandyPointer->weight << endl;
cout << "Number of calories in Candy Bar: " << CandyPointer->calories << "\n\n";

return 0;

>I'm studying C++ using the same book and I found myself in a bit of a jam with that particular exercise.
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