what is the library used? How do I assign it the value? What are some library functions dealing with them?


#include <string>

You can assign value by,

int main() {

string name;
name = "This is a string. Don't forget to use double quotes instead of single!";

cout << name;

Output: This is a string. Don't forget to use double quotes instead of single!

This string class has a lot of member functions that you can use. I'm not sure if we are allowed to link websites on the forums, but you can check out:


for a list of full detailed member functions for the String class.

Use code tags.

#include <string>

You can assign value by,

int main() {

string name;
name = "This is a string. Don't forget to use double quotes instead of single!";

cout << name;

Will do in the future, Alexchen. I'm an absolute noob to forums, and just started today at this site. Thank you for the advice!

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