Hello. My project is like this. When I select from "TypeComboBox" and "BeanComboBox", the "PriceTextBox" will display the appropriate amount of the "Private PriceDecimal". But when I added the "Private SnackPrice", it will display only the 1st array, (0, 0) for both array. I try using "Select Case" but doesn't work. I don't know what the problem is. Or maybe it can't be done like this? One structure can have one array? Please help.
Private TransactionCoffeeSale(30) As CoffeeSale
Private NumberTransactionsInteger As Integer
Private SnackPrice(,) As Decimal = {{1D, 2D}, {3D, 4D}}
Private PriceDecimal(,) As Decimal = {{2.6D, 2.9D, 3.25D}, {4.9D, 5.6D, 6.1D}, {8.75D, 9.75D, 11.25D}}
Structure CoffeeSale
Dim TypeString As String
Dim QuantityString As String
Dim PriceDecimal As Decimal
Dim SnackString As String
Dim NumString As String
Dim SnackPrice As Decimal
End Structure
Private Sub FindButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FindButton.Click
Dim RowInteger, ColumnInteger, SnackRow, SnackColumn As Integer
Dim SalePriceDecimal As Decimal
If ColumnInteger = TypeComboBox.SelectedIndex Then
If ColumnInteger <> -1 Then
If Me.BeanComboBox.Text = "Quater pound" Then
RowInteger = 0
TransactionCoffeeSale(NumberTransactionsInteger).QuantityString = "Quater Pound"
ElseIf Me.BeanComboBox.Text = "Half pound" Then
RowInteger = 1
TransactionCoffeeSale(NumberTransactionsInteger).QuantityString = "Half Pound"
ElseIf Me.BeanComboBox.Text = "Full pound" Then
RowInteger = 2
TransactionCoffeeSale(NumberTransactionsInteger).QuantityString = "Full Pound"
End If
SalePriceDecimal = PriceDecimal(RowInteger, ColumnInteger)
PriceTextBox.Text = SalePriceDecimal.ToString("C")
TransactionCoffeeSale(NumberTransactionsInteger).TypeString = TypeComboBox.Text
TransactionCoffeeSale(NumberTransactionsInteger).PriceDecimal = SalePriceDecimal
NumberTransactionsInteger += 1
ClearButton.Enabled = True
MessageBox.Show("Select the coffee type.", "Selection incomplete.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
End If
ElseIf SnackColumn = SnackComboBox.SelectedIndex Then
If SnackColumn <> -1 Then
If Me.NumComboBox.Text = "1" Then
SnackRow = 0
TransactionCoffeeSale(NumberTransactionsInteger).NumString = "1"
ElseIf Me.NumComboBox.Text = "2" Then
SnackRow = 1
TransactionCoffeeSale(NumberTransactionsInteger).NumString = "2"
End If
SalePriceDecimal = SnackPrice(SnackRow, SnackColumn)
PriceTextBox.Text = SalePriceDecimal.ToString("C")
TransactionCoffeeSale(NumberTransactionsInteger).SnackString = SnackComboBox.Text
TransactionCoffeeSale(NumberTransactionsInteger).SnackPrice = SalePriceDecimal
NumberTransactionsInteger += 1
ClearButton.Enabled = True
MessageBox.Show("Select the snack type.", "Selection incomplete.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
End If
End If
End Sub