hi same week and am here again with another problem lol
and yeah its my homework and am stuck somewhere as 95 % has been finished.
Windows Form Application--- using C sharp and SQL server 2008
i made database in SQL server 2008 and using visual basic 2008 C sharp
created 3 form
one for welcome
1 for showing book table in grid view
and 1 for showing individual records
pleaseee Helppppp
scnerioa is below.....
In this task you will create a windows application that will display and update an external database (BookSeller) with a single table (Books), via ADO.Net and several data form(s). You are required to create a suitable database for this task.
A software development company (Nescom Solutions) is developing a program for use with a client’s BookSeller database. As a contracted employee of Nescom Solutions you have been asked to design, create and test software which will display and update the tblBooks table. The interface to the database table must enable the user to do the following:
• Display individual records
• Add a new record
• Delete a record
• Cancel amendment for a record
• Cancel all amendments made to the table since the last save
• Save changes to the database
Need help with Red ones, am trying to find out solution but in mean time if anyone could help would be really appreciated